The Truth Hurts Podcast with Wayne Carey
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Featuring Wayne Carey, Ayrton Woolley and special guests, tune in to our weekly show discussing all things sport, truth, performance, adversity and authentic stories along with Special Guest interviews.
This show is all about sharing your voice and speaking your truth.
The Truth Hurts Podcast with Wayne Carey
Season 1 - EP #42 - When is enough enough? And Duck's Twitter barrage
Season 1 - EP #42 - When is enough enough? And Duck's Twitter barrage
Duck and Wool discuss the explosive tweets of the past week, touch on the media, mental health and Ayrton's memory lapse while taking out the bins.
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Episode #42
[00:00:00] Ayrton: Well, we're back for another episode of The Truth Hurts. I'm Ian Woolley with the King, Wayne Carey and Duck. I can tell you, just about the whole of Melbourne, I think, has been looking forward to this episode. Why? Do I look fresh? You do look fresh. They say a week's a long time in football. Well, a week's a long time on Twitter and, uh, in podcasting as well.
[00:00:19] Ayrton: So, we're just going to park that for a moment and we'll come back to that. Um, you've, I just saw, I just. Saw her as I was coming in. I was a little bit late. Apologies. It's alright. Um, Mrs. had the car and, and, uh, caught an Uber in, so I was running a bit late. Walking down the street, now you're pot with bloody trolley full of
[00:00:36] Wayne: groceries.
[00:00:37] Wayne: You look very domesticated. Very, very unusual, isn't it, uh, to see that. But no, I, I, well, I'm away for four days. So just topping up on all the, uh, necessities that you need. What's in your, what's
[00:00:46] Ayrton: in your daily, what's in your daily shop? Um. You'd be
[00:00:49] Wayne: pretty healthy, wouldn't you? Well, you know, I'll race. I eat just a lot of fruit, um, a lot of, a lot of stuff for the kids lunches.
[00:00:56] Wayne: So, you know, tiny teddies and little muffins.
[00:00:59] Ayrton: Find it [00:01:00] funny that you make all their lunches that you, you'd never cook
[00:01:02] Wayne: for yourself. Yogurt. Pretty much, wouldn't you? All of that. No, I'm not a, well, I'm not a massive, uh, I like doing a barbecue. But no, I've just, just the necessities got out of the road there, but it has been a good week, hasn't it?
[00:01:15] Wayne: I've, you know, getting away, got a little bit of, uh, got a little bit of sun as you can see here. Um, which is why I've worn the sort of light, uh, I don't know, what do you call that light yellow? Just so it brings out the glow. Yeah, interesting colour. Um, but yeah, no, big, big weekend. Uh, got, you know, once again causing, everyone thinks that I've caused some sort of trouble because I used two words three times.
[00:01:39] Wayne: Um, which, which was to a question that I got asked on Twitter.
[00:01:44] Ayrton: Yeah, well let's delve into this. Let's, let's go right back to the start of this, Duck.
[00:01:47] Wayne: What if I said 150? 150 times. What would be the difference? Who cares? The thing about my life and the reason why we, and we started [00:02:00] doing this, I thought the podcast, um, you know, speak to the people, and the actual truth hurts, right?
[00:02:10] Wayne: Now, The Herald Sun, Channel 7, Channel 9, Channel 10 have bathed off my crap for years. And as I said on my tweet, on my tweet after that, is that is, most of it has been bullshit. Made up, exaggerated, right? And when I say most of it, I mean most of it. It really has. There's no, so all of this stuff gets talked about and blown into all sorts of, um, rumour and innuendo.
[00:02:36] Wayne: So, I got asked a question on Twitter. Yeah, so
[00:02:39] Ayrton: the, well the first, let's take you back to your original tweet, which was If your club gets a player that plays your position, question mark, that should always be used as motivation to have the best pre season you've ever had. Difference between being good and great, absolutely nothing beats hard work.
[00:02:55] Ayrton: Now that was, I assume, in regards to... It was in
[00:02:57] Wayne: reference to, you know, we were talking about Jack Ginniven last [00:03:00] week. Yep. Um, but there's plenty of other players that... It's all about opportunity. It's no different to what Grundy, um, has sort of done now with Melbourne. He wants more opportunity because, obviously, Max Gaunt.
[00:03:11] Wayne: So there's plenty of players that, um, could, could read that and maybe, uh, Um, you know, who knows, maybe to toughen out
[00:03:20] Ayrton: now in risk, we'll go, we'll touch on Jackie in a little bit later, but in response to that, there was, I mean, you were firing off tweets left, right, and center, but one of the tweets, that's the
[00:03:28] Wayne: other thing I want to say.
[00:03:30] Wayne: So I was completely. Uh, sitting by the pool, pissing myself laughing at, at the banter and then people going, is he okay? Is he all right? He's drunk. My phone, my phone started going off.
[00:03:42] Ayrton: Oh, this is Wayne okay. Can you
[00:03:44] Wayne: check in on him? It was absolutely hilarious. I was finding it terribly funny, but as just getting back to before you talk about the tweet itself.
[00:03:53] Wayne: So, so the, the amount of front pages that I've had over stuff and the amount of times [00:04:00] that they've brought up the affair. Let's be honest, we all know what occurred, I've never played, I've never said, I've had mental health issues and I've never said to hide behind, um, anything to, to stay out of the paper.
[00:04:15] Wayne: They write whatever they want about me, just like they are Clayton Oliver now and there's others they don't write about because people put their hand up and make excuses and, and that, and we'll talk a little bit about that a little bit later. The amount of times in the last 20 years, or more than 20 years, that this has been brought up by mainstream media.
[00:04:38] Wayne: Mainstream media has brought this up. So when this tweet comes to me and says, you know, one of the things, oh why did you leave, why did you leave North? So how come you traded clubs and you said really? I said really. Like, because if that, that, the kid on Twitter, I think Bulldog, was that him, Bulldog or something?
[00:04:56] Wayne: Yeah, he then wrote back to that. Yeah, you know. Bloody Bulldogs his name [00:05:00] is. Yeah, Bloody Bulldogs. I wrote really and then he, and, and someone wrote, Oh, well, he had an affair or, or something like that, which once again, everybody knows about. So, and I wrote, yeah, three times, like, like serious.
[00:05:17] Ayrton: So I'm going to play devil's advocate here for you, Duck.
[00:05:19] Ayrton: Do you think, I guess the response from some people might be, should you be joking about something like that? Or is it for you? Get over it. Okay. Get
[00:05:28] Wayne: over it. 20 years ago. I've, I've, I've learned to live with it. I haven't forgiven myself for it, but I've learned to live with it. So all you wankers out there, learn to live with it.
[00:05:39] Wayne: And if I say 150 times or three times, who gives a shit? Seriously. So, it's the biggest beat up and then you actually sent me a message saying, Oh, this could blow up. And then I saw on the, and what's funny is when we're not funny because it's not funny, but it is 20 years ago. Right? [00:06:00] More than 20 years ago.
[00:06:01] Wayne: So, but when, then you start reading all the banter, like, and, you know, people thinking this is something serious, and then you see a news headline from Channel 7 that have gone with it. Like, they, Channel 7 and these media outlets should know better than talk this bullshit. all the time. It is absolutely disgraceful.
[00:06:21] Wayne: What's going on in the world now, and they make a story out of saying three times about something that happened 20 or more years ago, and they talk about it. They'll talk about it again when we have a premiership reunion next year. They'll bring it up again. But guess what? Oh, but they're allowed to, but I'm not allowed to say three times.
[00:06:41] Ayrton: Um, do we, uh, do we need to, do we need to take your phone away from you at certain times do
[00:06:46] Wayne: you think? I've always said there should be an app on your phone that has, that you have to breathe, has a breathalyser on it. But no, I was, I was completely, um, sane and, [00:07:00] and wasn't, actually I might have had a couple of cocktails, um, by the, by the pool.
[00:07:08] Wayne: Nothing under board, um, and was, was like I said, the three hour time difference, three hours behind Singapore is, so I was having a lot of fun and the reason why I put, I left sort of earlier because it's obviously, um, you know, later here, but no, it was, uh, I'm not worried about the banter that I had on Twitter at all.
[00:07:31] Wayne: It's what, it's what it creates and what people think that they have the right to say to you. And, and I don't care about the nitwits that have a go at me on Twitter, because at the end of the day, I've, I've had a fair share of media, so what, some nitwit that says something derogatory on Twitter
[00:07:48] Ayrton: is going to cause a...
[00:07:49] Ayrton: Well that's, that's what you said to me after, it feels like some of these tweets are obviously to try and get under your skin, and you ignore a lot of them, but you're saying, what, this response was to
[00:07:57] Wayne: show that... I, yeah, [00:08:00] it's, you know, and people are saying, oh why should he say that, well... I don't, I don't bring these things up.
[00:08:07] Wayne: People bring it up to me, and if I, am I not allowed to respond to it? Well, no, of course you are. Now I am, and by the way, I don't work in the media anymore. And, and if I wanna say three times or 155 times, or I want to talk about what I've done in my life, then don't I have that right to do what I wanna do?
[00:08:29] Wayne: No, I, I, that's fair. You know, a few. Like I said, a few nitwits that wanna, and, and, I love some of the, some of the nitwits are great, let's be honest, they're not, you know, they're not someone that you should be worried about. And I know some people do worry about, you know, trolls and when they get something negative said about them, but I've had enough of things said that.
[00:08:51] Wayne: Sort of it, it is water off a duck's back. But I have never used, I've never used excuses like some others do. And maybe Clayton Oliver, let's talk [00:09:00] about mental health, because that's a part of what we do here on the Truth Hurts. And I, and I do a lot of stuff around mental health with GBS, um, and, and what's going on in the world at the moment.
[00:09:11] Wayne: Did you know there's, there's nine suicides a day, right? I mean, it it is. Is that in Australia? Yeah, it is a serious. thing, mental health. And we, the media, the Australian media, and you only have to look at the David Beckham, um, you know, documentary that's just come out over there and what they did to him and how he was nearly a broken man.
[00:09:33] Wayne: What they, what they can do to you is absolutely horrendous. Like it is. And they just go and go and go until they break you. They broke Alistair Clarkson earlier this year. They just went at him, went at him, went at him, went at him, he had to take time away from the game. And then they go, oh, oh poor Alistair, oh Lord, sorry Alistair.
[00:09:52] Wayne: This is, this is what they do. This is why, this is, this is why they are despicable in how they go about it. And [00:10:00] right now they're doing it to Simon Goodwin and they're doing it to Clayton Oliver.
[00:10:05] Ayrton: Yeah, so on Simon Goodwin, while you were on a roll on Twitter, you said. You thought it was a smear campaign for Goody?
[00:10:11] Ayrton: And so you're, you think
[00:10:12] Wayne: they're trying to make... Well, when did, when, since when do coaches, when, when do coaches get the blame for what their players do? And, and I, and I wrote, once again being cheeky and facetiously, oh jeez, sorry Dennis, hashtag sorry Dennis. Because, what, is Dennis Pagan to blame for... The difference
[00:10:31] Ayrton: between, and I know, I'm just saying, the difference, because of the, say the Glenn Bartlett allegations on Simon Goodwin and some of his behaviour outside of football.
[00:10:40] Wayne: So, so, so you just answered my question and that is, so what, once you've had an allegation Someone has questioned you in any way then you are open slather
[00:10:52] Ayrton: No,
[00:10:53] Wayne: but I'm saying that's the difference because we all know there's people in the media. We know there's people in the media We know there's people that have stepped away from the [00:11:00] game and stuff that have that have made mistakes And we also know I know that people in the media know a lot more about people within the media That do very similar stuff to what Clayton Oliver And others do.
[00:11:14] Wayne: And there's plenty there, but they don't talk about one another. They don't bring it up. It's common knowledge. And then, getting back to the mental health side, and what is really disappointing, is that, you know, people do use it, and when people get caught or get into trouble, people do use the mental health side as an excuse.
[00:11:37] Wayne: Right. And it has happened and it's been littered with it. When, when are the media gonna stop on Clayton Oliver Odd? Simon Goodwin? When they have a men, when they have a breakdown. Is that when or when they put their hand up? That's not saying that they, they, they won't have a mental health issue given the amount of coverage that they've, they've received.
[00:11:57] Wayne: I have no doubt. And I haven't, and by the way. [00:12:00] I haven't spoken to Goody, I've text him, we don't speak, you know, all that often, we play footy together, we're mates, whatever, and I'm not sticking up to everyone saying, oh, as if you'd want Wayne Geary sticking up, no, no, cause I understand when there's a pile on like there is at the moment, I have no doubt in my mind that he's, he's He's, you know, sitting there and he's going through a real difficult time.
[00:12:26] Wayne: Now, and I'm sure Clayton Oliver is as well, neither have put their hand up yet and said They're battling anything, publicly. There's been a statement from Melbourne, um, you know. It's, when, when, when do they, when will they be happy? When they put one of these guys actually
[00:12:43] Ayrton: in hospital? Well I'll ask you this then.
[00:12:45] Ayrton: So I'll use the Clayton Oliver situation as an example. There was the trade conversation that happened. Which, uh, emanated from, um, some question marks around his behaviour. And maybe Melbourne giving him a bit of a [00:13:00] wake up call. Now, they haven't said that publicly, but that's what we understand. That Melbourne weren't happy with some of his behaviour.
[00:13:06] Ayrton: Do you think a player, uh, like Clayton Oliver, who's on a million dollars a season over however many years, Should be held to a higher standard than Joe Blow in the street because he's in a high, uh, he's in a, uh, professional sporting environment. Young
[00:13:20] Wayne: men. Of course. Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. In actual fact, you, you, you could argue the other way, that it is high pressure.
[00:13:28] Wayne: And people call it, people say that it's a privilege, but it is high pressure. So if Melbourne
[00:13:31] Ayrton: were unhappy with his behaviour, what level of scrutiny is there allowed to be, do you think, for Clayton Oliver? Because we know that Melbourne were not happy with, I mean he's moved in with
[00:13:39] Wayne: Max Gorn and they weren't...
[00:13:40] Wayne: I'm not, I'm not talking about Melbourne. Melbourne employs Clayton Oliver. I'm talking about the attention that it gets and now, now the pile on. And now they're, and now they're, oh guess what, well Joel and Clayton were hanging out. And like, so, you know, now it's just every little thing that comes out until they eventually break [00:14:00] this kid, who's a four time Best in Ferris winner.
[00:14:02] Wayne: By the way, he must be doing, he must be doing some things right. He's won four Best and Fairest in this time. So, um, you know, and I'm not suggesting he hasn't got things he's got to work through. What I'm talking about here is just the continuous, um, coverage on and now every little thing. It's just, it's just going on and on and on.
[00:14:23] Wayne: And like I said, we saw, we saw a coach actually have to take time away from the game this year. And now, because he's done that. The commentary has stopped. So is that what it takes? Do you have to, you know, people just put their hand up and say, I've got a, I've, I've, I've got issues and I'm, I'm stepping away from the game and then it stops.
[00:14:45] Wayne: Is that it? Is that the answer? So, so when you, you, I'm asking your question.
[00:14:50] Ayrton: Well, I mean that, I mean, we've seen with Alistair Clarks, I think it's proven that people take a step back when anyone meet mental health. Well, I'm not saying that has to happen in, in
[00:14:57] Wayne: this situation, but it's just, it's, you know, [00:15:00] like I said, so getting back to the, uh, original point.
[00:15:03] Wayne: Um, me being facetious and saying three times to a Twitter question is not exactly headline news. Fair enough.
[00:15:15] Ayrton: Yeah. Fair enough, fair
[00:15:17] Wayne: enough. It's just, I mean, when, when, when, when is enough enough? I don't, I really, anyway. On, on, on to a few, uh, lighter things. Well, not really lighter things, by the
[00:15:30] Ayrton: way. We've just got so much Twitter interaction this week, that I'm going to go, I'm going to go back to, back online here.
[00:15:36] Ayrton: Um, I think it was in regards to Simon Goodwin, someone sort of suggesting it was related to, You know, some issues he may have been, may or may not have been having off the field. They mentioned that he's selling his jumper. So he's selling his, his premiership jumper from, uh, I 98, uh, online. Um, someone asked you, would you sell your premiership jumpers 96, 99?
[00:15:57] Ayrton: Would you ever consider that if you... Well, I,
[00:15:59] Wayne: [00:16:00] yeah, I got asked that question on Twitter and I... My answer was, and I didn't go into detail, but I, we sold, Arch and I have a friend called Marinepi. He was a, he was a North Melbourne supporter, used to come down to training. He's a friend of a lot of the players, but in particular Arch and I.
[00:16:18] Wayne: Um, and then, obviously I left North, I'm not sure why. Um, and got asked the question, would, you know, would give up something. You know, that's worth something substantial for Maranepi to build him a house. So he has ramps, he has cerebral palsy, so ramps and all that sort of stuff. And, uh, Art's put his Guernsey up and I put my Guernsey up.
[00:16:44] Wayne: And it got 40, 000, so, um, so I'd only, uh, so I don't have my 99 one. But, no, I wouldn't sell them, to answer your question. But, I'm not sure, do we believe that? Has Simon Goodwin actually come out and said that they're his Guernseys?
[00:16:59] Ayrton: [00:17:00] No, he's in the photo. He's in the, he's, he's holding the jumper up. Oh, he's
[00:17:03] Wayne: holding the jumper up.
[00:17:04] Wayne: Is he, but is it him actually holding the jumper up saying that he's selling that Guernsey? Unless it's... Because I wouldn't believe it if that's all it is.
[00:17:11] Ayrton: Unless it's been a very well mocked up, um, thing. It's, it appears to show an auction. Well, that's
[00:17:16] Wayne: a pro, oh, okay.
[00:17:17] Ayrton: That's what it appears to show. It, it, someone may have mocked it up, but it's Goody who appears to look like him closer to now than say when he was a player holding up his...
[00:17:26] Ayrton: His jumper. I mean
[00:17:27] Wayne: you Oh, and saying this
[00:17:29] is
[00:17:29] Ayrton: for sale. He, I mean you don't see him saying it, so. Right.
[00:17:32] Wayne: I know you Well I don't, like I said, I don't know. I know you're very skeptical. But the only time I think you'd get rid of something like that would be if it's for a charity or whatever. So I don't know other
[00:17:45] Ayrton: people.
[00:17:45] Ayrton: You've got rid of 99. I know that you've got the four little premiership cups at home that you wheeled out when I came over that time, which you've spoken about before. Three. Three, sorry.
[00:17:55] Wayne: Sorry. We only won two, but you know what the [00:18:00] premiership cups are for.
[00:18:01] Ayrton: Uh, so 96, is that
[00:18:04] Wayne: anywhere there? Yeah, I know where it is.
[00:18:06] Wayne: So it's not,
[00:18:06] Ayrton: you don't have
[00:18:07] Wayne: it on the wall? No, no, no, no, it's just in storage.
[00:18:10] Ayrton: And did you do anything with it, or? Oh, it's
[00:18:12] Wayne: framed. Yeah. But it's just, yeah. So
[00:18:16] Ayrton: when players talk about their medallions or, they don't sit prior to plays for you in terms of, so you can look at it and go, oh geez, I've played in that?
[00:18:24] Ayrton: No. Do you think most players would be like that or do you think a lot of them have
[00:18:27] Wayne: their little, their pool rooms? Some. Look, I've spoken about this before, but my mate Corey, he likes, he's, you know, he's in his office a lot and he likes the football memorabilia stuff about, you know, when we played and pictures of grand finals and things like that.
[00:18:42] Wayne: Um, which. I think when I go in there, I find myself fascinated by it because I don't remember, you know, things and it's, and it's good to look back on and feel proud of. And so when I say people that do display their stuff, I don't, I'm not critical of them. It's just not, it's just not my cup of tea. [00:19:00]
[00:19:00] Ayrton: Just a question without notice here.
[00:19:01] Ayrton: I saw, uh, actually it was just on, uh, TV yesterday. I was playing a bit of, uh, poker on a Monday night. I do down at the pub. Uh, and it had in the background, north Melbourne, Geelong, uh, I assume from 94, the Mick Martin, um, Gary ABT game. So you, you, do you, what are your memories of that game? Just while we're,
[00:19:19] Wayne: we're on North Melbourne, I kick six
[00:19:25] Wayne: What? Just in that last, well, that's what I remember. I remember a kick six. And Gary Ablett kicked the last goal of the game. That's what I remember. After the siren.
[00:19:34] Ayrton: Yeah, okay, thanks. I was hoping for a bit of a deeper, um,
[00:19:37] Wayne: a bit of a deeper... No, it was a fair, it was a great game. Um... We got off to a flyer, they, uh, Geelong were on top at halftime, third quarter I think I might have kicked four in the third to get us back into the game.
[00:19:50] Wayne: And then, um, close final quarter and it went right down to the last two seconds.
[00:19:56] Ayrton: What is, what is, um, what would Mick Martin say about that game now? [00:20:00] How was
[00:20:00] Wayne: he after that? Mick beat Gary Ablett that day, so he, he would, he would feel very proud that he, uh, beat one of the greatest players of all time. Um, but we, as we all did, we felt, you know, we were not robbed because at the end of the day we, we, uh, we got beat, but you know, disappointed we didn't go into a grand final I guess.
[00:20:22] Wayne: Yeah, thanks. Thanks. Um, no, yeah, it's Mick. I reckon we might have given Mick a bit of a ribbing about it on the, on the, uh, on the mad Monday or the week leading up. Oh, that soon after. So yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, you don't want to dwell on it. You want to get straight. Well, you didn't reenact it or anything. No, but we would have, we would have had a bit of fun around it, but he, he was, he was Gary Ablett's master on that day.
[00:20:46] Wayne: He played an incredible game. Just, uh, yeah. It just floated over the top of his hand and, you know.
[00:20:53] Ayrton: When I, when I look at Mick Martin, I, because I am a fair bit younger than you, I started watching football and [00:21:00] my memories are late 90s, early 2000s, are probably my first memories. And so Mick was, you know, slowing down in the early 2000s and then went to Carlton, which was obviously, it didn't really work out.
[00:21:11] Ayrton: What made Mick Martin
[00:21:13] Wayne: so good? Um, he was, well he's the strongest player I think ever to play the game. In terms of, um, you know, bench press. So he was just a, an, an unbelievably quick, so a very good athlete. And, and, he, he, you know, he was tough, he made you earn, he made you earn every kick. And, um, you know, he, he copped a bit.
[00:21:36] Wayne: Remember the, some of the plays he's playing on, like Ablett Senior and, and Lockett, and these guys are not exactly, uh, You know, little guys that allow you to push them around, they, they give a bit back. So, Mick copped a few of, of both of those in particular and others. But, yeah, just so, so really quick and really strong.
[00:21:56] Wayne: Um, but he, you know, just like, just [00:22:00] like all players, sometimes he had the better of, you know, those types of players, the best. And then other days they got the better of him, but that's, that's the nature of playing full back. Absolutely.
[00:22:10] Ayrton: Well, while we're still on football, of course, the trade period last week, uh, we spoke about Jack Ginnivan and at that stage, uh, Lockie Schultz, the Lockie Schultz trade had been done.
[00:22:21] Ayrton: Jack Ginnivan hadn't requested trade or, or Collingwood hadn't allegedly shopped him around, you know, there's a bit of, uh, consternation about how that actually played out. But he's now a Hawthorne player on a, on a longer term deal. You said at that stage you wanted players to stay, uh, stay and fight. Can you...
[00:22:37] Ayrton: I understand it in some ways as well, given that Collingwood in the last two years, so Jack Ginniven, uh, got 40 goals as a, as a 19 year old, they got Bobby Hill, um, a year later they get Lachie Schultz. Can you understand why he was maybe feeling threatened and him
[00:22:52] thinking
[00:22:53] Wayne: this? Oh, of course, which is why, you know, we spoke about it last week, but there's only, I [00:23:00] mean, the players have more options now.
[00:23:01] Wayne: So now
[00:23:02] Ayrton: that's happened though, would you, would you do that deal if you were Jacky? Because you said you'd like to see him stay and fight, but if there's four years on the table, that's pretty hard to
[00:23:09] Wayne: resist. No, I think he's made probably the best business decision for him. Yep. My, my tweet and the reason for it was more about players that, you know, use it as motivation when they get someone in that is trying to take your position and simply don't allow them to get it.
[00:23:27] Wayne: Um, he's gone to a club that he'll get more opportunity at, without doubt, now that, you know, as you said, Bobby Hill now is the, he's, he's, you know, won a, won a Norm Smith, so he's confidence, if, and, and that should be his motivator now, to be that consistent, be more consistent from a week to week basis, and obviously getting Schultz in, and, um, so, no, good, I'm, I'm happy for Jack.
[00:23:50] Ayrton: How do you think you'll be received by the, by the Collingwood supporters when we get to, when we get to...
[00:23:55] Wayne: Oh, look, you'll, you'll, I dare say you'll get the boo or two. So Grundy got a [00:24:00] boo and he didn't want to leave the club. Yeah. I think the supporters forget that they don't, a lot of players don't drive leaving.
[00:24:07] Wayne: I think Jack might have had something. You know, I think he, he, he, well, you know, you see the writing on the wall once again, not the way I would respond. Um, but then, you know, I got a lot of feedback about that and said, Oh, of course you wouldn't be worried about it. And you know, and I, and I, and I get that too, but I also understand that, um, I, I didn't think about, I didn't think about that.
[00:24:33] Wayne: I, I just always thought just train harder.
[00:24:36] Ayrton: So, um, Ginnivan has gone Hawthorne, as we just mentioned. I'm, I'm just, um, we spoke to Justin Lepich as well, which, uh, has gone up live this week and got a big response. Some great insight into his, uh, coaching philosophies and how he's evolved over time. He spoke about Jack Ginnivan.
[00:24:53] Ayrton: I wonder how much that Friday night, uh, As part of an overall picture with him played into Collingwood's [00:25:00] thinking in terms of well, if he's got some currency now We've got the small forwards. We've got some concerns about his behavior But did you get the impression that that through what Leper said that they're not thrilled with that?
[00:25:10] Wayne: I I think with what he said was he he didn't think it was a great decision. Yeah Clearly it worked out okay. Does that come into their thinking? I tell you what, I tell you what will happen is at least Schultz will get a few free kicks. So, you know, I wonder if the trend continues for Jack when he goes into a Hawthorne jumper.
[00:25:35] Ayrton: It'll be interesting won't it? Yeah. It'll be interesting to see how he's received. Um, the AFL's Thinking about starting the season in Sydney. I'm just going to read you some copy. Uh, this is by rileybeverageafl. com. au. The AFL has floated with clubs, a Sydney focused split round to begin the 2024 season, which would see both the Giants and the Swans hosting blockbuster standalone fixtures across an earlier weekend of action.
[00:25:57] Ayrton: So we'll start a weekend earlier. It's understood the [00:26:00] proposed round one fixture, fixture, which was distributed to clubs last week is not final, but would feature a GWS. Against Collingwood on a Saturday night before Sydney, uh, play Melbourne on the Sunday. And then the normal season openers would be played the following week.
[00:26:15] Ayrton: Now the NRL is over in Vegas at the time, so it feels like they think it's an opportunity. But, I don't know what you think about that, it feels...
[00:26:23] Wayne: Well, well what it does is, is it... It puts GWS sort of on the, not on the map because they're already on the map, but, um, to start the season off with a bang against Collingwood up in Sydney would get a lot of They, they would, they would still get a very, very good crowd for that.
[00:26:41] Wayne: They would, because Collingwood gets a good crowd anywhere. I know Collingwood's
[00:26:44] Ayrton: pushing it, but surely the fans, the Collingwood fans deserve, I mean, they've got, you know, a hundred thousand members in
[00:26:50] Wayne: Melbourne. Well, they'll get it the next
[00:26:51] Ayrton: week. I know, but it's round one, it's all the anticip. I don't know, I don't think, I don't think it's a great way to start the season.
[00:26:57] Ayrton: I, I, ah,[00:27:00]
[00:27:01] Wayne: I prefer bigger issues. I don't Yeah, you, you, you don't care. No, I don't really. I think it's good for GWS. It's obviously not about Collingwood as much. Um,
[00:27:13] Ayrton: but so that Thursday night, Carlton Rich and I, I
[00:27:16] Wayne: mean I think... Yeah, but why should they own
[00:27:17] Ayrton: that? They don't have to I think it's... A Thursday night at the G is the way to go, I
[00:27:21] Wayne: reckon.
[00:27:22] Wayne: Anyway, it's not going to happen.
[00:27:24] Ayrton: Um, just still on the pies, uh, Mick McGowan. He's been, he's been at work on Twitter as well
[00:27:31] Wayne: Mick. Has he? Does he get, does he get asked whether he's... No, no, maybe for different reasons. Why he left Collingwood and... Um,
[00:27:39] Ayrton: loves his footy, um, Mick, um, worked with him in RSN actually, um, some time ago and he, he would still go out to trainings and watch pre seasons and, you know, he really
[00:27:48] Wayne: follows it closely.
[00:27:49] Wayne: He's a very, very astute football judge.
[00:27:52] Ayrton: Absolutely, and so he's been coaching out at Keele for some... So there was a, uh, a video that Collingwood posted, uh, of Brendan Bolton and [00:28:00] the defensive group before the grand final. They were pointing towards this inner sanctum experience. And it was Brendan Bolton, um, with a little, I don't know, you could say it's a jar of nail polish, or however you would describe it.
[00:28:11] Ayrton: And he's putting it on, um, Uh, a finger of each player, and it was to signify that he said, I don't want you to come off the ground with any nail polish left on that. As if to say, you'll be spoiling, you'll be tackling. It was sort of like a theme to, so they'd be locked in and know, you know, look down at that and know that I've got to go hard.
[00:28:28] Ayrton: Um, and Mick... Yeah, his first response was all about themes with this question mark, hmm, each their own I suppose. And then his next response was, love to see Pants, Banksy, Monkey, Brownie, Dakes, Ned, Chris O'Reilly, Stark and Shorey all put some on before they ran out. Good luck with that.
[00:28:45] Wayne: Well, that's clearly not why they won the grand final is it?
[00:28:50] Ayrton: It's funny how times have changed in terms of finding themes.
[00:28:55] Wayne: That might have put me right off the game to be honest.
[00:28:58] Ayrton: A bit of nail polish. Well [00:29:00] obviously, maybe Brendan Bolton knows his defensive group quite well.
[00:29:03] Wayne: Well, we, we recently spoke about um, to Daniel Laidley. Yeah? Yes. So we're, we're talking about, the reason why I'm coming back to nail polish.
[00:29:12] Wayne: Yes. And if you watch her documentary, she talks about the first time she sort of thought, you know, is there something a little bit different about me when she was really young? Because she, uh, she saw the nail polish and she went away and painted her nails. Well, Carter painted his nails the other day.
[00:29:31] Wayne: Did he? Yeah. So I thought... Got it. There's only
[00:29:36] Ayrton: four. Often, often kids do that when they're younger, don't they? I know,
[00:29:38] Wayne: which is, which is, and by the way, each, they're only if you want to paint your nails, but I would have thought, not great motivation before a grand final to be sitting there painting your nails, but they won.
[00:29:49] Wayne: They did. They did. Where would have he come up with that? I
[00:29:53] Ayrton: don't know, it's funny because I don't really associate... Because you don't
[00:29:55] Wayne: spoil with your fingernails by the way, you spoil with your knuckles. I
[00:29:58] Ayrton: don't really associate [00:30:00] Brendan Bolton with being that type of coach either. Like I've, I've, the persona that he always put off was this sort of more
[00:30:06] Wayne: intensive kind of...
[00:30:06] Wayne: We've got to, delve deeper into that.
[00:30:08] Ayrton: Um, well maybe we'll, maybe we'll find that a bit more, um, a bit more later on. We saw the Crawford Cup on the weekend. Uh, always interesting in this time of year, um... Seeing the big races and what comes from them. This one, the talking point was Mark Zara. 50, 000 fine, seven meeting suspension for overusing the whip in the straight.
[00:30:30] Ayrton: I always find this pretty funny because if you're the connections... It's not
[00:30:33] Wayne: funny. Not funny, no. Would you like to be whipped?
[00:30:36] Ayrton: No, I wouldn't like to be whipped. They are padded whips. I'm reliably told the horses
[00:30:41] Wayne: don't feel a lot. I'm just, I'm just... But,
[00:30:46] Ayrton: is it not a bit strange that... If you're the connections, you just want him to whip it the whole time, if it means he's going to win the race.
[00:30:51] Ayrton: If it's the difference between winning and losing in racing.
[00:30:54] Wayne: Well that, and that's why there's, and that's why there's a discussion around the penalties maybe have to be [00:31:00] higher. And if you do break that rule, you lose the race. So he's not
[00:31:04] Ayrton: missing, he doesn't lose that race, he's not missing
[00:31:06] Wayne: any big races.
[00:31:07] Wayne: Well is that, and that's the question that you have to ask yourself. That, is that, is that a penalty? You know. And I think, I think it might have been Gerard Whateley, I heard him use a couple of examples like, that'd be like Mitchell Stark stepping over the no ball line, like, you know, half a metre over the no ball line getting a wicket and that still being out, even though it's a no ball, like, stuff like that, so, um, maybe they do, maybe, you know, they do have to look at it, because again, is that the difference between winning and losing?
[00:31:41] Wayne: I think, well, clearly, it is. Yeah.
[00:31:46] Ayrton: So should we even have rules? I mean, I know they're trying to change the image of
[00:31:51] Wayne: racing. Well they came, they've been in for a fair while now.
[00:31:55] Ayrton: Well it just seems a bit Mickey Mouse if you... Well
[00:31:57] Wayne: it is Mickey Mouse if you don't get the result taken off you. Yeah. [00:32:00]
[00:32:00] Ayrton: Uh, last week we had, we had some, uh, coach, uh, press conferences that we showed after the game.
[00:32:08] Ayrton: Interesting, uh, what's transpired in the past seven days. So we had Michael Pryor, the West Coast AFLW coach. Apologised. He saw that. He's apologised after he was upset that they had to face one of the top teams. That was always going to happen. Uh, the, the, in the UK, the MK Dons coach, well he was, he was sacked.
[00:32:29] Ayrton: So he was the one who said we always shoot ourselves. In the foot that one and then the third guy says his players were shit ass. Well, he didn't get sacked That's because he's also
[00:32:38] Wayne: the chairman. So I say he's safe. Well, that's what happens on the truth ads We highlight something and something gets done about it such
[00:32:47] Ayrton: huge reach.
[00:32:48] Ayrton: I saw speaking of English football I saw angpasta Cogler. He's become the most so he's Now holds the record for the most points in his first nine games as a manager in the Premier [00:33:00] League of anyone. So, beat Fulham 2 0. Um, amazing what he's doing over there. He'd be, he's fascinating listening to Andy. He is.
[00:33:07] Ayrton: He's got a lot of different philosophies. Good story. Um. I'm just going to bring up a few little life things with you, Duck. I know, I always do this with a bit of trepidation, because I know we travel on different planes, like you, in terms of, you know, you generally have people waiting on you, and looking after you, and I've got to go out and do this sort of stuff myself.
[00:33:27] Ayrton: So, on the weekend, uh, I had, I've had this door stop that's broken. So now the door just swings open in the bedroom, and I want the door stopped so I can, Um, and I'm trying to work out what doorstop to buy firstly, then how to, where to screw this and that. Oh,
[00:33:44] Wayne: with everything that's going on in the world, this is one of your big issues, a doorstop.
[00:33:49] Wayne: I can't do,
[00:33:49] Ayrton: I can't do, I can't do it. Every time something comes up in
[00:33:52] Wayne: the house. Just grab one of those, um, snakes. What are they? What are the
[00:33:57] Ayrton: door snakes? They look ridiculous. So [00:34:00] you're telling me if, so the question I have for you is, if something like this happens in your house, are you able to. Are you able to
[00:34:08] Wayne: fix it?
[00:34:08] Wayne: The least handy man, handy person in the world. Cannot flat out hanging a picture. So, you know what you do? You hire a hubby. Sounds dangerous. No, you can hire a hubby. You hire a hubby. Do you? No, there's a, yeah, there's a company I think you can, you just hire some guy to come around and do it for you. So,
[00:34:32] Ayrton: you don't, you're not a handy, you're not a handyman, you don't, you don't, you don't cook.
[00:34:37] Wayne: Absolutely atrocious. What do you do in your spare time? You're
[00:34:40] Ayrton: just a full time tweeter.
[00:34:42] Wayne: Yeah, I'm a tweeter and everything else apparently.
[00:34:45] Ayrton: Well speaking of food, now this is, this is the second of three, uh, personal things I'm going to bring up. Do you get hangry?
[00:34:52] Wayne: Angry. Angry when you're hungry. Yeah, I know what hangry is.
[00:34:56] Wayne: Um, no, no. Normally [00:35:00] no. For instance, if I was hungry here, I wouldn't be getting all edgy or... The only time is when you're being dragged through shops or something like, you know, shop, shopping and you don't really want to be there and if you're a little bit hungry then I, I get agitated with that.
[00:35:14] Ayrton: So I'm going to throw my partner Katie under the bus a little bit here.
[00:35:17] Ayrton: I know sometimes that if she, if she hasn't eaten, and at the moment because we've got a young one, it happens a little bit where there's a big gap and, and you can just see that it's almost like. There's this chemical reaction going off and it's not the real her. It's like, just get her a bit of food.
[00:35:31] Wayne: Cause you, if you can do this. Yeah, I think we all, I think he can be agitated. Not angry is probably the wrong
[00:35:37] Ayrton: word. Okay, well hers is, hers is definitely angry, so if she listens into this, maybe make sure you, you get, get a sandwich in for, so we can keep our sanity at home. The final, the final one was actually myself, uh, on the weekend.
[00:35:52] Ayrton: I, I get quite distracted when I'm on the phone, supposedly, um, bins[00:36:00]
[00:36:06] Ayrton: out. Um, so it's about 20 metres down the driveway. I was then going to walk to the bottle shop, which is, you know, 700 800 metres away. Um, get a couple of little Captain Morgan and cokes, um, on a Wednesday night. Anyway, someone called me as I was taking the bins out. And before I knew it, I was at the bottle shop.
[00:36:24] Ayrton: And I still had, I still had the bins in my hands. What? At the, I'd wheeled them. I went across this little bridge and got to the bottle shop before I had him and I realised I didn't, I wasn't,
[00:36:35] Wayne: couldn't take it. I was just talking to my mate on the phone. No, that's what I was going to say. What were you talking about?
[00:36:39] Wayne: It must have been deep in thought. What are you up to, no good?
[00:36:43] Ayrton: No, we were, we're going to Byron this week for AFL.
[00:36:49] Wayne: Oh, there you know what? She should take note of that. So you're basically planning, you know, a big weekend with the boys and you're that encapsulated in that. You wheel them. Yolk, [00:37:00] see?
[00:37:01] Ayrton: So, it's, there's this path, so we're in a little park.
[00:37:03] Ayrton: It's what
[00:37:04] Wayne: you talk, it's the, it's the topic. I thought, what
[00:37:06] Ayrton: are these people thinking of me as I'm walking past? Well, maybe they're not thinking anything,
[00:37:10] Wayne: but. Probably stealing a bin. Do you, do you. They get stolen. Do you, you, you, that doesn't happen to you? No, I, I'm a, I'm a one, I wander around. Yeah, I pace when I'm on the phone.
[00:37:20] Wayne: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, but I don't, I don't think I'd, I'd notice if I had a bin in my hand. Um, but I do wonder, and it depending on what the topic and who I'm speaking to is how deep you go. That's why I asked you, like you're clearly up to no good. What, you're organising, you know, who's delivering the, the, the beer or, or whatever.
[00:37:41] Wayne: So, I'll
[00:37:41] Ayrton: speak about this next week after the fact, but it's one of the great weekends for anyone who hasn't been. I suggest you get a team together. So AFL Nines, if you don't know, you know, smaller field. Um, it's meant to be non contact, but there's a bit of contact. We get into the Gold Coast on the Thursday.
[00:37:54] Ayrton: There's about 10 blokes, most of them are from Tassie. So, you know, naturally we'll have a very [00:38:00] quiet one on Thursday. You know, just settle in to make sure we're right for the Friday. So Thursday will be solid. Friday you play three games. First game about two o'clock.
[00:38:09] Wayne: How do you get a game in this when you're flat out getting a kick in an 18?
[00:38:14] Wayne: Well, this, it's a bit, it's got more space. What? This? This is over 30
[00:38:17] Ayrton: fives. Oh, okay.
[00:38:19] Wayne: The first. The first. Are you in the ones or the twos? The one, well, I have, I've want a cut. Oh, there's only one. Uh, only 1, 2, 1. To cut the coal. So in other words, oh, this is what I've worked out. No, this is what I've worked out.
[00:38:30] Wayne: There's 10 guys that wanted to go at your Yeah. There's no selection.
[00:38:34] Ayrton: There's no selection process. Okay. The first year I went up there actually, um. Did win the Coleman up there, but, um, I was playing on this bloke. I, I, I felt a bit, I reckon he was about 55 and I had, I actually had six in the first half and in the, of the first game, and I started thinking 10.
[00:38:51] Ayrton: I, I've gotta, I've gotta kick 10, but I, I blew up. I finished, I finished with six . I [00:39:00] finished with six. So it's a bit of a running joke now that day one is when I deliver for the team, day two. I don't, so then there's the, the finals are on the Saturday, so it's great 'cause you go out, you have a few drinks.
[00:39:09] Ayrton: Yeah. You've got a
[00:39:10] Wayne: purpose. So, and how many teams involved in the whole thing? I think
[00:39:13] Ayrton: there's about, well there's three or four different divisions. Uh, and there's probably like 10
[00:39:17] Wayne: teams in In each one. In each one. One, yeah. So there's, so, there's so another words. If you're a lovely young lady or anyone for that matter, don't go anywhere near Byron Bay, well as.
[00:39:30] Ayrton: I just left a message for Katie in that last topic, there'll be no young ladies anywhere
[00:39:34] Wayne: in Byron Bay. No, I just mean, you wouldn't, you'd just stay away if you got all you nitwits running
[00:39:39] Ayrton: around. Yeah, absolutely. Well, there'll be, there will be some single guys in our team, so they'll be, they'll be on the prowl, no doubt.
[00:39:44] Wayne: Talking about nines, um, is, I was, as you know, sitting there doing my tweeting in, in Singapore, and I went, I ran into a few of the guys that play footy over in Singapore. went and watched the Navy boys [00:40:00] play a game. Um, and it was a, it's very similar. They sort of almost play on a soccer. with, you know, with the goals up, they don't really have the point.
[00:40:10] Wayne: They don't even have point posts. So it's either a goal or, or nothing. And, um, that was a very open game, but I, I got asked to go, I caught up with a few people the night before through the GBS. Um, and you know, had a couple of quieties and with them, and then they said, Oh, the Navy's playing tomorrow. And I said, Oh, and, and Big Dipper was there.
[00:40:31] Wayne: And he said, Well, yeah, we'll come and watch. And then, you know, as you do, you sort of got there and thinking it was going to be a, you know, pretty rough and ready sort of a game. It was as open as you'll ever see. I reckon I was there for... I didn't stay, it was bloody hot too. Hot, hot. But I reckon I was there for say, half an hour, 45 minutes.
[00:40:53] Wayne: And I reckon I saw about 80 goals. it was just up, bang, [00:41:00] down one end goal, and then, and then the reverse of that. It was just goal after goal after goal. So it was a bit of fun, but you know, just paying the respects to the people that defend our shores. That's very good of you. Yeah. Nice
[00:41:13] Ayrton: guys. A few blokes in my team actually said we should get you along to play nines if you, if your calves are up.
[00:41:17] Ayrton: Yeah, when the, when the
[00:41:18] Wayne: shoulders, uh, comes good, I'll probably. Could do all right with one arm in that comp. Well, I
[00:41:24] Ayrton: said, we might be able to find a spot for you down back. I don't know. You can't, I don't think we could both fit in the same forward line. You'd be
[00:41:32] Wayne: maybe a good decoy.
[00:41:35] Ayrton: Um, I don't move that quickly, but geez, I know where to go, doc.
[00:41:39] Ayrton: You read it,
[00:41:40] Wayne: do you? Yeah. I can't even picture. It'd be good to come out and watch this for the comment. Do you wear a helmet? No, I don't
[00:41:49] Ayrton: wear a helmet. Oh, okay. No, I don't. Not athletically gifted at all, but um, yeah, just manages to kick goals all the time. Alright, alright. We'll get an update. [00:42:00] We've got some feedback.
[00:42:02] Ayrton: Lots of feedback. Because we've had, we've just been pumping. Have you noticed how much content's been going out lately? Look, Danny Laidley, Justin Lepich, and... Last week's, uh, episode you spoke about, um, your daughter going, um, finishing
[00:42:18] Wayne: high school. High school. Yep. Yep. So only Carey ever to finish high school.
[00:42:22] Ayrton: So this is from, uh, belonged 6 0 3 2 on Twitter duck. Talking about his daughter graduating from high school reminds me of Darryl Kerrigan talking about his daughter in the castle. Now I've got a confession to make. I've ne I've never watched the castle. Really? Yeah.
[00:42:38] Wayne: Am I an Australian? It's a, yeah, it's a classic.
[00:42:40] Wayne: Aussie movie, that. Great movie. Bit more your vintage perhaps, is that why? No, well, yeah, probably.
[00:42:48] Ayrton: Uh, this is from Collective Sartori. Great stuff, both of you blokes on point today, not a single hangover between you. Um. It, it does, it does make a difference coming in sharp and seeing you [00:43:00] sharp, uh, Duck,
[00:43:01] Wayne: and, and, uh, When, when have I come in here under the
[00:43:03] Ayrton: weather?
[00:43:04] Ayrton: Oh, I reckon I saw you one Monday there, you said, oh, I just had a couple on the, so it just, uh, Just on Ben McKay, and we're going to leave the trade, the trade stuff has just been bubbling along, but, um, As a North fan, I was happy Ben McKay left and gave the club pick three, couldn't be happier as he checked out mid season, I remember when Dangerfield left the Crows, He played his heart out for Adelaide until the final siren.
[00:43:26] Ayrton: I think that was one of your points about Ben. Uh, Donto Martios. Ten weeks ago, Duck called Mackay a green shoot and was something North fans could look forward to.
[00:43:36] Wayne: Oh, but did I? Did I say? He, uh, he needs watery. That one, that one tickled my, that one tickled my pants. Well, halfway through the year, he was.
[00:43:49] Wayne: And now
[00:43:50] Ayrton: he's washed
[00:43:51] Wayne: up 25 years and can't play. Well, you heard the tweet, uh, the, the, uh, thing before, the message before, saying that halfway through the year he checked out, [00:44:00] he was a green shoot and then they forgot to water him.
[00:44:04] Ayrton: A question for Duck, do you think Buddy would have dominated as much as he did if he'd played back in the 90s and had real actual defenders, this is from JL Rob, real actual defenders playing him like Arch, Roos and
[00:44:15] Wayne: Jacko?
[00:44:16] Wayne: It's a hard one to answer. He's an unbelievable talent. The game was different. So, you know, the physicality element of it, hard, hard one. I think if you're a great player in any era, you'd adapt to whatever era you go into if that's not the one you're actually playing. So, the simple answer is yes.
[00:44:42] Ayrton: This is from Adrian Haggerty.
[00:44:44] Ayrton: Awesome boys, as a Carlton supporter, I was never enamored with Duck during his playing days. Obviously a ripping player, but he himself and Bruce from Channel 7 seemed to make it easy to dislike him. I now love his honesty and forthright opinions, and this podcast is on my don't miss list each week. Do you think [00:45:00] the podcast has changed any sort of
[00:45:02] Wayne: perceptions of, don't care?
[00:45:04] Wayne: That's not what we're doing, is it? To change perceptions? No, no,
[00:45:06] Ayrton: but you're telling your
[00:45:08] Wayne: truth though, and so I wonder. Yeah, no, well I, I, I just think that you can sit on here openly and. And, uh, and talk freely without worrying about, you know, for instance, if we were to do this on Channel 7 or even Triple M, it'd, it'd be sitting in the make up chair for two hours before we came on.
[00:45:25] Wayne: We can't have that. This is all, this is all natural. And what comes out of our mouth is natural. You
[00:45:34] Ayrton: really are glowing too this week. Now, uh, this is from Craig Slater. It was funny when Duck said, what is he a plumber in regards to Lockie Schultz last week, Collingwood Recruit. He was drafted as a mature age recruit and completed his apprenticeship as a plumber while playing VFL.
[00:45:46] Ayrton: So there you go, it's a bit of trivia from Craig. He's going to come in with a bit of pressure now, Lockie Shilts, isn't he? Because Pies fans loved Jack Ginniven too, didn't they?
[00:45:55] Wayne: Yeah, well, well there's a lot of players under prep, Ben. You know, you just spoke about Ben before. [00:46:00] You, you go there with, you know, these price tags and they get given bigger money than what they're worth.
[00:46:06] Wayne: Let's be honest. And if they don't perform, then I think that's when pressure can come on. So if you do leave a club to go to another club for money, right, and, and, and more opportunity. But if you do that, then that does come with an added pressure. And that's a, and that's the sort of pressure that the media should talk about.
[00:46:28] Wayne: You know, I guess not, not, uh, not other things.
[00:46:32] Ayrton: Duck, I saw, this is from Benny. Duck, I saw, uh, Trent Cotchen, uh, part of his book where he mentioned how Damien Hardwick spoke after the loss to Essendon earlier this year. He, he described the Bombers as spuds. Do you think they'll use that as any sort of motivation when they play the Suns and or Tigers?
[00:46:49] Ayrton: Uh, yep.
[00:46:51] Wayne: Yep. Oh, so there's some players will automatically take it as an insult? Maybe those that know that they're okay, they'd [00:47:00] take that, um, on board, and then there would be some that'd go in one ear and out the other, and there'd be some that wouldn't even have read it. Would
[00:47:08] Ayrton: Brad Scott ever use anything like that, do you think, or not?
[00:47:10] Ayrton: Oh,
[00:47:11] Wayne: I think if you can get a bit of an advantage out of it. I mean, it is, it is quite, you know, it's quite... They really
[00:47:18] Ayrton: laugh because I
[00:47:19] Wayne: just pictured David Haywick saying it. It's some, yeah, and I, and I think it's... I think it's great. He said, these guys are a bunch of spots, but, and you're not even as good as them.
[00:47:27] Wayne: See that , I think that's very, I think that's firm. Um, but fair. I've, I really liked it. I don't know what you thought. No, no. I thought it was, I thought it was quite, uh, quite good
[00:47:39] Ayrton: and, and Richmond has dominated Eston in recent years, so he probably has
[00:47:42] Wayne: reason to say that. Yeah. So we would, we, Dennis, Dennis Pagan would've definitely used that.
[00:47:47] Ayrton: Now these ones are related to, uh, the Danny Laidley, uh, interview you did. Um, this is from Mick Zed. Given what we know now, it's absolutely amazing how well Danny did coaching North, especially considering North's many issues at the time coming out [00:48:00] of a successful era. I guess my question to you is, how, having heard her last week and the way she spoke about that, was there anything that surprised you in terms of dealing with that as a coach and putting them, um, selves through that as a, as a coach with that in the, the background?
[00:48:18] Wayne: Um, what, what I took from part of what she said was, you know, living with, living with the burden and I guess living a lie and telling, looking your players in the eye. While living with that and asking for their honesty and, you know, giving their all and, and being truthful to one another and all of those things that coaches say, but at the same time living, you know, this, this lie that you're, you know, holding within and can't tell anyone.
[00:48:48] Wayne: And so you feel like what I took from it, you know, how she felt like a fraud and. And, and, and that burden and, and how much that just grew and grew and grew. And clearly it was more so [00:49:00] when, uh, when she was a coach than when, um, she played.
[00:49:04] Ayrton: This is from Caleb. Great chat. You two going back to what Duck said earlier this week, don't we just want to see people being happy?
[00:49:10] Ayrton: Danny may have her social challenges, but she's probably happier than she's ever been, which is great. Now, reading all the comments, I was, I must admit, surprised. I was, um, expecting them to be. negative than positive, just because of how society is in social media, but on our social channels they were overwhelmingly positive.
[00:49:30] Ayrton: There was a few, did that, were you expecting the kind of response maybe that you got from this interview? Because it is a, it is a touchy and, and people have very strong opinions
[00:49:40] Wayne: on. Well I think it, I think what it does show you that there are people out there that have got a brain and have got a heart.
[00:49:47] Wayne: And, and at the end of the day, you know, we're all humans. And, you know, and that's what the world, that's what the world needs to understand right now. So to, [00:50:00] to, um, for, for those people that were positive, well done, for those that are negative, they'll be forever like that. They would see the, they would see negativity in, in just about anything.
[00:50:10] Wayne: And, and there are people like that, which is sad, because in some ways that's a mask they wear. People that are like that and for whatever reason they feel that that's what makes them feel good to be nasty to someone else or say something nasty, um, you know, I, I actually feel sad for people that live like that, that, that would, that would prefer to try to hurt someone to make themselves feel good.
[00:50:38] Wayne: It's a, it's a pretty sad life to be honest.
[00:50:41] Ayrton: This is from JJ and this is a, it's an interesting question I think in the overall picture of, of Danny's story and how, uh, we talk or cover, you know, gay issues or, uh, transitioning, trans issues. Um, when Jason Ackermanis wrote his, this is from JJ, when Jason Ackermanis wrote his [00:51:00] article advising gay players not to come out because it was not really a safe space in the AFL and wider community, he was hammered and I think accused of being homophobic.
[00:51:09] Ayrton: To be fair to Jason, isn't Danny basically reinforcing what he said? Do you think, was she suggesting, do you think that it was really difficult for her? Or do you think she's suggesting that she's been more accepted now?
[00:51:23] Wayne: No, she spoke openly about how accepted she has been, and how the AFL have been unbelievably supportive, and how they've made her feel.
[00:51:34] Wayne: Well, as, as we said in the interview, and I, and as she said to me, I knew that she was, um, well, I obviously thought she was, she was gay, going to gay clubs and things like that, which I'd heard of. Um, so I didn't know the extent of, you know, her position or, you know, transgender and all of that sort of stuff.
[00:51:56] Wayne: But I just thought that, that Dean at the time, you know, might've been [00:52:00] gay, um, and no one, and couldn't. It was nobody's business and that, when we're talking nineties, I think the game, I don't, I don't think anyone that, um, that, that came out. Um, in whatever form they would like, I think their support, their support would be unbelievably positive.
[00:52:22] Wayne: And once again, of course you're going to get some people that, you know, would, uh, would, would, uh, you know, be critical about anything. And that's, that's the sad life that they live. But I think it would be overwhelmingly positive. I don't know what you think.
[00:52:37] Ayrton: No, I, I think, um, you've summed it up pretty well.
[00:52:39] Ayrton: And it leads into this next message from, from Andrew Andy. Very insightful and interesting interview. There's always going to be nasty and condescending behaviour towards people who look outwardly different, which is a bit sad. People fear or mock what they don't understand or don't want to understand, and I think that goes beyond...
[00:52:56] Ayrton: Um, sexual identity. And we've got, um, [00:53:00] Teekinvi here. Uh, Duck, you had this, um, great person by your side. You had the great swatter as well. Both people suffering incredible demons at the time. But look at what they accomplished in that environment. Did you know about, um, Wayne Swoss's, I guess, mental demons at that time?
[00:53:15] Ayrton: Or is that something that only became more apparent post footy
[00:53:18] Wayne: with him? Um, knew that he battled some elements of, of, um, I guess depression and, and, and other things because, you know, there was, you always knew that might, whether it be a training session you miss here or a training session you miss there.
[00:53:34] Wayne: So you always knew there were little, little things, but not to the extent, you know, I had no idea in 96, for instance, that, you know, he, he didn't really enjoy that. Um, you know, was, was thinking negatively, um, as much as, But always knew there was an underlying thing with Schwader as well. Because he would go through these, um, and, and he speaks incredibly well about it now.
[00:53:59] Wayne: But he, he [00:54:00] went through a lot of peaks and troughs. And as a player as well. Cause he was, he's the best player that I played with. Really? At, at North. Yeah. In terms of just pure talent. Just pure talent. Like he, he's, he's defence, he's speed, he's skill and everything. You know, like, he could get on a run, he could play eight blinders in a row, but he's also a player that if he, you know, was down, then he could be down for a period.
[00:54:22] Wayne: And, and, and that was sort of like him in a way off the ground. You know, there would, you could have an incredibly good time with um, Swatter, um, off the ground, and then he could be incredibly reserved. For two or three, you know, for, for weeks later, so there, there were peaks and troughs. So you always knew there was an underlying thing.
[00:54:42] Wayne: But he was someone that, you know, at the time never, never spoke to, um, I think he spoke, he's, he's come out and said he did speak to, um, Harry Unglick had a big say. He was speaking to Harry, our club doctor, for a long time through that. But it is, it is, uh, it is incredible. And that's why when people be [00:55:00] nasty in this world, and when you walk down the street sometimes, and we've all done it, You know, sometimes when I walk down, I'm a people, I'm a people watcher.
[00:55:08] Wayne: Yeah. Not a perf, I'm a people watcher, right? So I like looking at people and I like just, I don't know, I, you know, where are they from? Are they from, are they from overseas? Are they from Australia? I try to, what do they do? So when I'm walking down the beach and I'm staring at you, I'm not, You know, not being a weirdo, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm just watching the world go by.
[00:55:35] Wayne: And sometimes you'll go past people and I'm a, I'm a good morning person. So if I walk past someone, I go good morning, um, or good afternoon or a smile, um, or just a nod of the head. Right? Now you walk past some people and you don't get anything. And you know, there's, and, and like I said, we've all done this at times.
[00:55:56] Wayne: Sometimes you walk past and go, oh, they're a bit. That's a bit rude, because you might [00:56:00] have given them a good morning and you haven't received anything back. You don't know what's going on in people's lives. They could have had the worst morning ever. Could have had a, a, a, you know, a small accident and put a din in the car.
[00:56:12] Wayne: They could have, you know, a passing in the family the night before. Like all of these things and, and we, we, we just judge and we're, we're too quick to, to think, uh, it's about you. And, you know, not understand that people have so many things going on in their lives and we, you know, so if you do get someone that's a bit grumpy on a day or, you know, or, or is, or is acting a little bit differently, you, sometimes just, are you okay?
[00:56:42] Wayne: It's okay to say you okay, and if they don't want to, um, speak to you about it, then, you know, you, you, you move on. But we, we, we, we judge far too quickly on, on, uh, looks and moods and, And, uh, and, and we take it personally. It's like when someone lies to you. [00:57:00] You know, we, oh, well, why would they lie? No, no, no, that's not on you, it's on them.
[00:57:05] Wayne: They're lying for their reason. Don't worry about the lie. That's, that's, that's their issue. I'm getting all philosophical now. This is, this is
[00:57:14] Ayrton: unbelievable. You've gone so deep here, Duff. I was not expecting this. Now, before we, we leave the Danny Laidley discussion, um, This is from Mark67. Duck, have you seen since the episode that Danny's been named in the hottest 100, um, women?
[00:57:30] Ayrton: So, I think you know about this. Tell me about this. This isn't a magazine, is
[00:57:35] Wayne: it? No, I don't know. Maximus or something like that. Well, very clever, and I'm going to say very clever, because I guess anything that Danielle's link to now, you know, it's going to create a headline and by them doing that now I have no problems in saying this I have no problems and Danielle Then it she's not in my top hundred [00:58:00] Well, I'm have no problem with saying she's not in my you know, she wouldn't be my time as you say She we're talking about world here.
[00:58:07] Wayne: Yeah, she would she would we're talking about the world. Yeah, right Now that, I'm not being, I'm just saying. Having seen your interaction
[00:58:14] Ayrton: with her last week, I think she'd have a chuckle
[00:58:16] Wayne: at that don't you? Oh, well, well, I don't think, I don't think Danny would sit there and say, oh that surprises me Ducky, if I was to line up the hottest hundred girls in the world and say you didn't quite make it.
[00:58:29] Wayne: I mean, but, you know what? Fantastic for, for all transgender women out there and it, and it once again creates discussion and all of the above. I would like to see the panel and I would like to see who or, or whether it's one person, I don't know who, who voted on the, the top 100. I'd like to, I, I haven't even, I haven't seen the top 100 by the way.
[00:58:49] Wayne: I don't know who they had in the top 10 or I, I
[00:58:51] Ayrton: haven't. Whatever. No, not for me. So I, I haven't, I
[00:58:54] haven't
[00:58:54] Wayne: looked at it. Okay. Well, maybe we should have a look at it.
[00:58:58] Ayrton: Maybe, maybe we should. We'll do that [00:59:00] for next week. No, we won't do that for next week's episode. She
[00:59:02] Wayne: was very good, by the way. I got a really nice text from, uh, uh, Danny and, um...
[00:59:07] Wayne: I'm wrapped that you came on. It was great. It was good and
[00:59:10] Ayrton: for me as an outsider seeing you still got that connection as, as teammates.
[00:59:15] Wayne: We're premiership teammates. Yeah,
[00:59:17] Ayrton: and so that, nothing changes that for life.
[00:59:20] Wayne: No, no.
[00:59:21] Ayrton: Ah, just finally, we won't go through them all but we've had Justin Lepage since then.
[00:59:26] Ayrton: And a really interesting deep dive into his philosophies as we mentioned a little earlier. This is from Peter. Pleasure to see how an unexpected legend was fortunate to fulfill an incredible football destiny through an alignment of elements. Clear thinker and enunciator, well chosen language, um, for a man who became educated through the unlikely classroom of football.
[00:59:47] Ayrton: That's, that's, uh, deep too, Peter. Um, he and McRae together, without them, Collingwood might not have... Might not want that flag. Um, it is, he is He, he can speak about the [01:00:00] game really well and, and narrow down what he, what he wants and what he means. So you can see why he's going to do that sort of coaching director type
[01:00:07] Wayne: role, couldn't you?
[01:00:07] Wayne: Oh, he'll be, he'll be incredibly good at it. And he's, he's, you know what, Lepa's just a good bloke too. He's just really a good person. Um. He's got that Midas touch. Everywhere he goes now just seems to, success is following him. So, you know, if, if you are, um, after someone, you know, involved in footy, why wouldn't you headhunt Leper?
[01:00:32] Ayrton: I'm not sure he was so thrilled with the, with the Barmy, um, comparison you gave him. Oh,
[01:00:36] Wayne: he's not, I think he took that as, Barmy used to be a bigger, bigger, bigger lad. I think I wasn't having a go at his. See, Barmy
[01:00:45] Ayrton: actually wouldn't be, he'd have some stories to tell. Barmy
[01:00:48] Wayne: would be a good guest. Because he's had his, um, he's had
[01:00:50] Ayrton: his health challenges more recently as well.
[01:00:52] Ayrton: So, but just on the, the, This is from, uh, Diner Madness Adventures. Great interview, should [01:01:00] get dunced and heard on the podcast. Remember Pig, Jimmy and Roo Boy, that was great. Anyway, great video, keep it coming. You'd probably try and forget that, wouldn't you?
[01:01:08] Wayne: What, Pig, Jimmy, Roo Boy? Yeah. Very good show. I used to do, uh, Wayne's Wonders of the Week.
[01:01:16] Wayne: That was bad television. That was radio.
[01:01:20] Ayrton: Didn't you? What? What was, we wrote a book. Was book. What was the one that you did? Was a book. Did those three on tv then what was the, um Oh,
[01:01:26] Wayne: oh, oh. I, no, no, no. That was a different, that was live and kicking. What was, didn't you? Oh yeah. That, no, that was different, but, sorry.
[01:01:33] Wayne: I was thinking Wayne Wonders of the Week. I remember. Do you want to quickly tell you one? . Okay. Why is it that you never see a baby Seagulls? Baby seagulls. You ever seen one?
[01:01:46] Ayrton: Tell me why
[01:01:47] Wayne: I don't. Well, that's why it's a wonder.
[01:01:53] Wayne: That is horrific.
[01:01:55] Ayrton: Do you think Dunstan will come on? How do you get on with
[01:01:57] Wayne: Jase from your triple M days? No, Jase and I [01:02:00] get along well. He doesn't tolerate nitwit, so I'm not sure he'd come on with us. With me? No, he's beautiful. I have spoken to Herdy. We've got to get to Herdy. We've, uh, we've spoken, um, he's gone underground a bit again, so I've got to reach out.
[01:02:16] Ayrton: Would be great to chat to James. Duck, what an episode. We have covered a lot of ground there and some, and some really, um, varied topics. Um, glad you've got your... Interesting week. I know you've got to get back to your phone and back to Twitter. I just picture you lying there with your guns out because you're obviously very happy with your
[01:02:36] Wayne: tan that you've got at the moment.
[01:02:37] Wayne: No, I've just got a bit of colour. My arm's coming back.
[01:02:40] Ayrton: On your phone though, just tweeting away with
[01:02:46] Ayrton: a Especially for someone who is notorious for not writing back to text, you're not a texter, are you? No, no, I'm a caller. You're a caller,
[01:02:54] Wayne: and a tweeter, you're a caller and a tweeter. I'm a caller and a tweeter when I've got time. So, if you're getting, if you're getting [01:03:00] replies, or there's lots of tweets, it's, I'm generally somewhere, um, you know, where I've, I've, kids aren't around or whatever and I've, I've, the sun's on my back.
[01:03:13] Ayrton: Another great episode of The Truth Hurts. Look forward to seeing your Twitter work over the next week, and I'll see you again soon, duck.