The Truth Hurts Podcast with Wayne Carey

Season 1 - Ep #36 - Discussing the GF, Bucks V Pendles, Ginnivan's horseplay and how to celebrate a win

Wayne Carey Season 1 Episode 36

Season 1 - Ep #36 - Discussing the GF, Bucks V Pendles, Ginnivans horseplay and how to celebrate a win

Hear Duck and Wool discuss the massive weekend along with stories of how the King himself celebrated winning a cup!

produced by TorchT Productions -

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Episode #36


[00:00:00] Ayrton: Well, we're back again for the Truth Hurts. I'm Etan Woolley alongside the King Wayne Carey. The AFL season has been, uh, done and won. Is that the saying? Uh, and the NRL. And the NRL. Amazing 24 hours of sport, uh, with those two matches. Have you survived the weekend is the big question, Ducks. I know it's a big week on many fronts for you.

[00:00:18] Wayne: Not, uh, not just the weekend, but the whole week. I, what a week Melbourne put on, and doesn't this place change, I mean I've been in Melbourne since I was 16, had a little bit of a layover in the great state of Adelaide, um, went up to the Gold Coast when I was on the run for about a year, but pretty much from the age of 16 I've lived in Melbourne.

[00:00:40] Wayne: Doesn't the whole vibe of this city change when the weather is good? It's helpful, very helpful. We've had a whole week. It's just been amazing. And to see people in cafes and, you know, people flying in. And I happened to be at the airport on Friday. And I was actually in Brisbane on [00:01:00] Friday. Then came back.

[00:01:01] Wayne: So I was on all of those planes. We're absolutely chockers. The people, the people at the airport were flying to either Sydney or Melbourne for their respect, respective grand finals in the NRL and the AFL. So I've just, it's just been a buzz of, I've loved the whole build up to this year's grand final and, uh, oh boy, didn't they, didn't they turn on an absolute ripper?

[00:01:25] Wayne: Some saying, uh, I don't, I don't know what you think. Some are saying that this is maybe one of the greatest since 1989. 

[00:01:32] Ayrton: Yeah, so I don't have great memories of that being one year old at the time. How old were you? One, yeah. You look a 

[00:01:38] Wayne: lot older than that. Have I told you that before? 

[00:01:40] Ayrton: Yeah, I may have heard that once or twice before.

[00:01:42] Ayrton: So I can't really, um. So you were born 

[00:01:43] Wayne: in 1990? 1988, so I was. Oh, see, sorry. Sorry, I thought, yeah. Good maths there. So you're 1988. 

[00:01:53] Ayrton: So I've seen highlights of 89, obviously, but I haven't seen the game in full. 

[00:01:56] Wayne: So the year I came to Melbourne, you were born? [00:02:00] That's when I came to Melbourne, so I was 16. So we're 16 years apart, that means.

[00:02:03] Wayne: And somehow I'm more mature than you are. Well that's not, that's not, uh, hard. That's 

[00:02:08] Ayrton: not hard. Oh, it's definitely in my, uh, recent memory that the best, cause you can have close games and good games. Yeah, so. And I think it was 

[00:02:16] Wayne: both. So what you're saying is 05, 06, cause people automatically say, well, you know, the West Coast Sydney.

[00:02:22] Wayne: Um, you know, back to back grand finals, both within a kick, were amazing close grand finals, but the fact that it was a, what, a bit of a boring game 

[00:02:32] Ayrton: in between. About seven goals each, weren't they, those games or something? Yeah. Bit of a slog. Um. 

[00:02:36] Wayne: So you love the goal fest? 

[00:02:38] Ayrton: Well, I think there was a good mix. I mean, it doesn't have to necessarily be, you know, 20 goals a team, but I just felt like it was a good game of footy, had some big moments, um, and, and we'll talk about those moments.

[00:02:49] Wayne: Flash moments, had big goals, big marks. Yep. It had everything. And once again, the fact that the sun was out, the birds were chirping, over a hundred thousand [00:03:00] people at the MCG. Um, even the parade, you know, last year they, you know, they did 

[00:03:07] Ayrton: the They fixed the parader, 

[00:03:09] Wayne: they fixed the, they did the parade down the, you know, down the river, which is, which I, I didn't mind for a bit of a mix up.

[00:03:14] Wayne: And then we've obviously had a couple of grand finals away from the M C G. It just, the whole, just every aspect of it was just incredible. And on top of that, I'm prepared to say, I thought KISS were amazing. Now their voice is about as good as mine now, or maybe a little bit better, but they're not their vocals, you know, how old are they?

[00:03:36] Wayne: About a hundred? I 

[00:03:36] Ayrton: don't know. Bloody old. 

[00:03:38] Wayne: Well, you can't tell because you've got makeup on, but they're 

[00:03:40] Ayrton: old. They're an entertainment product now as 

[00:03:43] Wayne: much as... And I've got a few mates that, you know, that go to a lot of bands and they've heard Kiss a lot of times over the years and they recently went and watched them and they said they were not great live anymore.

[00:03:56] Wayne: In saying that, I thought, one, because of the crowd and it [00:04:00] gets drowned out. I don't think, you know, we were really focusing on the vocals of it, but I thought the entertainment of it and the way it was put together, um, I don't know who does that. Does, did the AFL get involved in that whole production or does that, is that all run by?

[00:04:13] Wayne: I would, 

[00:04:13] Ayrton: I'd say more, more, more likely Kiss would have certain parameters around 

[00:04:18] Wayne: what happens. So all those little kids, that, that made it, that made it even more spectacular. It did. It was incredible. All the kids that got involved and, you know, the dancers and, you know, the synergy of it all. I, I, I thought it was really entertaining.

[00:04:32] Wayne: Now I wasn't there live. I was just watching it on TV. Um, which I thought, by the way, they did a pretty good job. Some people have been critical of, uh, the fact that they didn't get the smashing Oh, the, yeah. Of the guitar. 

[00:04:45] Ayrton: Uh, director, come on. You gotta get that though. You have a few sleepless 

[00:04:48] Wayne: nights for the director.

[00:04:49] Wayne: Well, yeah. You probably gotta get, that's the, you know, that's the Clyde climax moment of kiss right at the end to do that, isn't it? Yeah, 

[00:04:57] Ayrton: supposedly 

[00:04:58] Wayne: I'm not, I'm not, I'm not a big kiss. So, all in [00:05:00] all, so the buildup the week. Can I, 

[00:05:02] Ayrton: can I just say though, I'm a, I'm a bit, I'm kind of a bit relieved that it's all over now.

[00:05:07] Ayrton: I've, this is my first, um, grand final. I haven't worked in, you know, 12 or 13 years, and so I enjoyed that side of it, but mentally, financially, After the past month, I'm, I'm just, I need a break. You need a break? I need a break. Too many 

[00:05:22] Wayne: social activities. Well, this is the first Monday you've actually been sober, I reckon, for four weeks.

[00:05:27] Wayne: Yeah, 

[00:05:27] Ayrton: well, yeah, and I, I don't know how yesterday I felt unbelievable, which is, which is, I, I feel, you know, every now, oh, you don't get hangovers, but for people that do, every now and then you get a free pass where you just, for whatever reason, you feel great the next day. So I got that. But it was one of those ones where it, the stars sort of aligned for me.

[00:05:44] Ayrton: It's on the Friday. I do feel a bit bad about this. I hosted a, um, function at, uh, Yarraville, the footy club that I played reserves footy for this year. It was one of those reverse raffles where you draw the numbers out and the last one left. Yep. [00:06:00] And I'm not working at the moment. I'm not that financial.

[00:06:03] Ayrton: So I was thinking, it'd be pretty good to win this. But I was the one pulling the balls out. But, so it was above board. The president, before I arrived, pulled out the three winners who were set aside. You go through all the numbers and then you... Countdown the top three. Well, I bought a ticket with five minutes before the start of the event bought three tickets I said to my mate.

[00:06:21] Ayrton: Do you want to come in with me and buy a few extra tickets and bought a ticket? And 

[00:06:26] Wayne: won the and 

[00:06:27] Ayrton: what you want it won the three grand I 

[00:06:32] Wayne: haven't got it yet. But I 

[00:06:34] Ayrton: was like, what do you what do you want to do? What what's the go and they said? Oh, no, did you just you take it and I saw So you drew yourself?

[00:06:42] Ayrton: So the president drew the three winners out, I drew the other three. So he set them aside because legally and apparently he meant to. No, of course. 

[00:06:50] Wayne: So it's all legit, but it's just, you know. I was worried other people 

[00:06:53] Ayrton: would think that I was. Of course, of course. Yeah, and so I was obviously copped a fair bit of stick for that.

[00:06:58] Ayrton: I don't think it'd 

[00:06:59] Wayne: be the first time [00:07:00] there's been a rort in a, in a, in a, pulling balls out at a footy club or a raffle. 

[00:07:04] Ayrton: I know, but I, I, normally they pull it out for some, you know, really deserving club member or, or a senior player, you know, who needed a bit of extra cash with his match payments or something like that.

[00:07:13] Wayne: Um, let's, let's, let's go back because we didn't touch on, we, we gave our tips for the, uh, Brownlow medal. Let's go back to the Monday where the week started because Lockie Neal. won the Brownlow. It'd be fair to say his own admission he didn't have. The best year that he's ever had, but he comes away a dual Brownlow medalist now.

[00:07:32] Wayne: What did you think of, uh, those events and, you know, of Bontempele and Dacos and all the other favourites? 

[00:07:38] Ayrton: Yeah, well, Bont was my tip and when he hit the front at the end, I wasn't aware that Locking Hill's last game had been that good. I think others were. Uh, yeah, I'm, I'm happy for Lachie Neal, I mean, I think he's a, I think he's a really solid player.

[00:07:49] Ayrton: I, you know, I, I didn't have him in the top, you know, however many for the, for the season, so I guess it was surprising in that regard, wasn't it? And now in the era of social media, every little game is highlighted where, you [00:08:00] know, 20 stack game where he gets three votes and... 

[00:08:03] Wayne: It's another example, it is a flawed system, we know that, the umpires have got a tough job.

[00:08:07] Wayne: And they're, you know, flat out doing that sometimes, let alone to give votes. So, the debate will always be there, it's got to remain, it'll never change, it'll always be an umpires award, it is an AFL umpires award, and that's how it'll stay, and it will be flawed and sometimes we will get, you know, winners that maybe, you know, didn't deserve votes in certain games and, you know, players will, you know, miss out and all of that sort of stuff.

[00:08:32] Wayne: So, um, you know, you can play it as much as you want, but that's been going on forever. 

[00:08:36] Ayrton: Yep, I sort of fluctuated on this, on the 9 I'm going, we've got to take it away from the umpires. But then I thought, it sort of adds to the unpredictability of it. And at the same time, when we're talking about midfielder's medal and that sort of thing and the umps give it to the mids, well, most of the media awards are midfielder awards as well.

[00:08:51] Ayrton: It gives us something to whinge about. Exactly. Exactly. Now, Mad Monday for Collingwood today, uh, interesting to see some of the, [00:09:00] the costumes that were. I saw Taylor Adams as Tony Jones actually. A few peaky blinders in there, Pendles and Jeremy Howe and Jordan Degoy. And then the one that I liked the most was Jack Ginnivan.

[00:09:11] Ayrton: So, Jack Ginnivan winning Jockey Silks today. After, and so it's a bit of quick thinking here, I don't know if he was smart enough to think of this or someone's maybe tapped him on the shoulder and said you should wear this. But he went to the races on Friday night. Now I've had a lot of people say to me, nah, you should keep your life normal, should be allowed to do it, but don't you open yourself up to something going wrong.

[00:09:31] Ayrton: So he went, he had a mate's horse running at Moonee Valley, apparently he was there for an hour and a half. Collingwood said, we're not making 

[00:09:37] Wayne: a big deal of it. Mate's horse, mate's horse are going into a grand final. Oh, if they get beat, one by four points, if they get beat then this becomes a bigger story.

[00:09:47] Wayne: That's, that's my opinion. They don't, they get away with it. I reckon quietly they would have had a chat to him and said mate, that's an error. And and people will say, oh, why isn't it? Well, because of that, because anything could [00:10:00] happen. You're in, you know, you're in, in public for starters the night before.

[00:10:03] Wayne: The G f I don't know what, what happens if you're in an Uber or, or you're in a car crash on the way home. And I know you, you might normally drive up to the pizza shop and that could happen as well, but you just, yeah, it's just something. It was, I, I don't think it's, it was a smart move by him. Um, in saying that, they win the grand final, he gets away, that he's got a Premiership Medallion and they can all probably have a laugh at it and everyone will say, well, he should have had a life.

[00:10:28] Wayne: I'll give you a big example, and I have said this, uh, I have said this at a few different places that I've spoken at over time, and that is I had a chance to meet Muhammad Ali in 1998. Now that's a little bit bigger than watching your mates horse run. And I said no to meeting my hero because. I thought if we lose, so there was no chance, I don't think of Mohammed's people punching me up, but not getting into any trouble by doing that.

[00:10:56] Wayne: Yep. Uh, but I thought if we lost, [00:11:00] Deni would say that my focus wasn't on the game. It was about going to beat Mohammed. Um, and, you know, invariably we lost anyway, so, uh, the end of the game, I, it was a double whammy, didn't meet my hero and it's such a fine line. I'd love to know if, uh, Jack, if the horse won.

[00:11:17] Wayne: And he had any money on 

[00:11:17] Ayrton: it. Well, maybe we should, well, maybe that'll come out in the wash. It isn't funny in the final, because you talk about margins and, so Jack Inderman's Friday night at the races gets viewed in a funny light, because of the pies we win. Another one for me was the, you know, Billy Frantman's game.

[00:11:34] Ayrton: He has two disposals, 0 1, and people are talking about how he played his role on Harris Andrews, who incidentally ended up with about seven intercept disposals, most of them in the last quarter. So still had a solid game for Brisbane, but maybe not. What he could have done, but by

[00:11:54] Wayne: 12 points. But by the way, congratulations to Collingwood. We will talk about the game as well. [00:12:00] Um, they've, they've done it for two years now. You can call, I, I'm one that calls all these games. I say, well, if you win and it's true, if you win, they're lucky. If you lose, you're unlucky. Well. Collingwood have almost turned that on its head because they've just done it so consistently.

[00:12:16] Wayne: And they say a skill is not a skill until it's performed consistently. Well, they've consistently won close games the last two years now. So this has become a skill of theirs. So you give credit where credit's due, to all the Collingwood people out there. Congratulations. It was a ripper. You're right, uh, Brisbane, uh, sorry, Collingwood with Frampton, you know, and the, you know, all of these little, uh, backstories that go on, and you find out afterwards, um, and or one's performance doesn't get.

[00:12:48] Wayne: The scrutiny that it would get if you if there was one kick the difference. Yeah, and that's the amazing thing But let's let's celebrate. What was an unbelievable game You know from [00:13:00] start to finish You know the fast start, you know Bailey just kicking two unbelievable goal, you know, it had everything One quarter, 11 goals in one quarter, um, you know, just in, just unbelievable footy all around, wasn't it?

[00:13:15] Wayne: It was, 

[00:13:15] Ayrton: yeah, a great game of, a great game of footy in terms of the moments too. Like, Collingwood owned the moments at different times, didn't they? With, you know, two goals after, you know, quarter time, half time. And Jordy Degoe probably has a quiet first half and then, and then steps up when he, when he needed.

[00:13:31] Ayrton: Scott Pendlebury's last quarter, like, there was so many guys that, 

[00:13:34] Wayne: that delivered. Well Collingwood had, Collingwood had the big special moments. So Bailey and Cameron kicked some, some great goals, but Hill was, you know, incredible. But then you, but then you look at the Degoe and the crisp goals and that after the siren and the big, you know, they, really big moments, Collingwood, I think, own those moments.

[00:13:55] Wayne: And there was a guy that, I think he's the oldest player on the ground, wasn't he, Scott [00:14:00] 

[00:14:00] Ayrton: Penelbury? I'd say he probably would have 

[00:14:01] Wayne: been. Who else would be older than him? No one. No. I'm prepared to say that, if I'm wrong, I'm sure you'll let me know. But what a player Scott Penelbury is, and what a last quarter he had.

[00:14:12] Wayne: Nine disposals, just controlled the game. You know, the, the, the game. When everyone else is absolutely buggered and just, you know, it was frantic and the game goes either way. He just does what he has done for what, 17 years or whatever it is. And you know, the balk and the balk and the just, everything just so smooth.

[00:14:34] Wayne: The game slows down around him. I think it's time we acknowledge. What some people have said for a while, and I think that Nathan Buckley is the greatest modern, oh sorry, he's taken over the mantle from Nathan Buckley as the greatest modern day pie. 

[00:14:52] Ayrton: Yeah, so it's hard for us isn't it? AFL To make a judgement on say, Gordon Coventry or someone like that.

[00:14:57] Ayrton: Correct, 

[00:14:57] Wayne: no, AFL era. [00:15:00] Yeah, exactly, don't compare eras. So in the AFL era. I think he's the best pie that we've ever 

[00:15:05] Ayrton: seen. So he's, he's got longevity now, but he's, he's got, uh, the two flags, a Norm Smith, uh, in 2010. 

[00:15:12] Wayne: BNFs, he's got everything. He's ticked every single box there is, um, and then in big moments he's done it all.

[00:15:19] Wayne: He's won ANZAC Day medals, and they're massive guys. He's, he's a superstar. I, the other thing that defines him a little bit more than, than Bucks is the Premierships has won. So he's been able to get his side over the line in two premierships, and I think he's kicking, I think he kicks the ball 

[00:15:38] Ayrton: better than Buck, which is interesting.

[00:15:39] Ayrton: 'cause B was known as a, as an elite kick. Uh, 

[00:15:42] Wayne: buck was known as an elite long, hard kick. Yeah. He didn't have the touch that Penry has. Yeah. Okay. Penry and, and Pen. Bri's and, and Bucks. A bit like the Dangerfield, but you know, gets it burst. Bang. Uh, you know, didn't have that finesse, uh, or the, I don't think had the [00:16:00] vision either of Penelbury.

[00:16:01] Wayne: I don't think, not probably not too many players ever played the game that has the vision of Penelbury. So, you know, I think there's just a few little things that now separate the two and I'm prepared and happy to say it now that, and it wasn't, and it's not just the premiership, it's probably been for a little while and I know, you know, there'll be people out there that happily debate it with you.

[00:16:23] Wayne: And it is. Um, splitting hairs, but you know, two premierships, I think the biggest gap now, I think obviously side bottom and Penelbra, I think they hold the record now from first premiership to second premiership. Um, you know, great, great story and the way he played and the way he's been playing, he'll play, he'll play for another couple of years and maybe break the, you know, the games record uh, as well in the next couple of years as well.

[00:16:48] Wayne: So you know, for, for that as, so for the longevity part, part of it as well and the consistency over that, then, you know, let's, let's put it to bed. I'm sure we'll have plenty of [00:17:00] people that want to throw in their statistics and, and argue it. And that's what we're here to do. But I'm, I'm saying Penelbury best AFL pie of all time.

[00:17:10] Wayne: Remembering Dacos and those played their best footy, uh, before that. I know Premiership in 90 and, but, um, you know, some people say Dacos, I, he's, he's my number one. 

[00:17:21] Ayrton: Now, before we move on, uh, I'm just going to highlight this because I mean, didn't win the Norm Smith, but he was my Norm Smith tip. I said on this 26 disposals in one goal was my tip.

[00:17:32] Ayrton: Got 24, 24 and one didn't quite get the 26, so I didn't get the medal. Who did you tip by the way? In the, in the, in the game 

[00:17:38] Wayne: again. Uh, Charlie Cameron. And, and Brisbane. And Brisbane. So by the way, Charlie Cameron kicks another one and, and Brisbane win, and I 

[00:17:47] Ayrton: think we've proved consistently over this year.

[00:17:48] Ayrton: He's doing the same thing as Bobby Hill. So you might be, you know, one of the greatest players of all time perhaps. Uh, in your own eyes, the greatest player of all time, but I think over the year we've proved that, that my [00:18:00] football knowledge might've just gone, if we're talking about players have gone past.

[00:18:03] Ayrton: I think there's an up. I've just, I've just gone past you there with the Brownlow grand final. 

[00:18:09] Wayne: Who'd you have for the Brownlow? Bonn. Oh, that's right. Oh, sorry. You weren't the favorite. He was second favorite. He 

[00:18:14] Ayrton: was second. You weren't the favorite. Dacos was the favorite. Uh, just on the, still on the grand final.

[00:18:21] Ayrton: Uh, on moments and, and different things that we, that we take out of the games. I did text you once during the game, and I believe you might have got a few more text messages around the time that a certain Collingwood forward snapped a goal from about 40 metres out. Would that be fair? Yes, my, 

[00:18:35] Wayne: my check. It was, it was solid, but that's, that's the strength of this Collingwood team.

[00:18:41] Wayne: They don't rely on any one individual. It does throw up the debate. So, just while we're on that, a few players that obviously missed out. Adams and McStay, the two obvious, you know, for Collingwood. And uh, yeah, Jack Payne for Brisbane that missed out. Now, we did say this a couple of weeks ago, but we'll just back [00:19:00] over it again.

[00:19:01] Wayne: I think there should be maybe a threshold on how many games, if you get a medal. Like maybe not one, if you just play one. But it does take a squad, and this is, I think Joel Selwood. Uh, might have spoken about, Trent Cotchen might have spoken about it during the week as well. I have been saying this now for a couple of years, and that is, it does take a whole squad to win a flag, and if you play a certain amount of games, you deserve a medal.

[00:19:26] Wayne: Some, and I'll back over, some would, will have it pride and joy, sitting on the, sitting on the uh, their mantelpiece, and others will, will say, no I don't deserve it because I never played on that day. But it doesn't matter. It should be offered to those players that contributed a certain amount. 

[00:19:42] Ayrton: Yeah, I'm, I'm still, I'm, I, I feel so sorry for, for Taylor Adams and your McStays and your John Nobles and these guys, but I, I still, nah, I, you just don't, it's a, not very nice thought, very thoughtful of you, but I, nah, sorry, not taking 

[00:19:55] Wayne: it.

[00:19:55] Wayne: Well done to Bobby Hill, by the way. Yeah, it's a huge game. Yeah, big game. [00:20:00] Um. Not just the goals. No, the defensive part of it. Yeah, I, I, isn't it funny because we looked at, I, I looked at. Charlie Cameron and I said, you know, could he do a Cyril Rioli and kick four and put that pressure on and Bobby Hill did exactly, exactly that for Collingwood.

[00:20:16] Wayne: It was, it was an elite performance. Uh, you know, you, you can't underestimate four goals in a grand final with that type of heat. 

[00:20:25] Ayrton: Absolutely. And he, and he passed off a couple as well. It wasn't just, it wasn't just the goals that he scored. Yeah. Huge game from Bobby Hill. The Collingwoods, you look at what they've done since they.

[00:20:37] Ayrton: You know, they got rid of, you know, the three guys in the one trade period who was at Phillips. Um, they've since got rid of Brody Grundy. Yep. And your man at North Melbourne, uh, who I've just, Jaden Stephenson. Jaden Stephenson. Jaden Stephenson. So they've made some And Trelaw as well. Sorry, was the other one.

[00:20:52] Ayrton: So they've made some big moves in terms of salary. The guys they've added have just been role players, haven't they? They've added Bobby Heald. They've added Tom Mitchell. They've added McStay, who [00:21:00] was, you know, obviously a big part of their season. So they've, they've just been really shrewd around the edges of, of Helped having You really established players like Pendlebury and Sidebottom still deliver deep into their careers, obviously, 

[00:21:11] Wayne: but...

[00:21:12] Wayne: Well, it's, you know, all the older players on Grand Final Day all played really well, didn't they? Yep. And you're right, they've been able to handpick, a bit like Hawthorne were able to do, different times, you know. They've obviously got Lake and Hale and... Um, you know, a few others from, from different clubs as well that came in to help them.

[00:21:31] Wayne: Uh, Gibson was another one they got from North Melbourne. Um, it's funny, I heard Clarko talking about, you know, that sort of happening, you know, with, with Big Mackay leaving and all of this sort of stuff. Isn't it funny how the, it changes. It's a short memory. Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah. It does. But, no, and, and you're right, they've been very smart in the way they've done that.

[00:21:50] Wayne: And, and let's talk about, Macrae. I mean, he's, his wife's gone into labour the night, or the morning of grand final [00:22:00] and he's had to go to the hospital at whatever, 6am, so it's reported, whether that's right or not, who knows. But he invariably has, you know, has a, has a baby. Uh, it's just a, imagine 

[00:22:12] Ayrton: what's going around in his 

[00:22:13] Wayne: head when all around.

[00:22:14] Wayne: Yeah. And, and the other thing that he had, he had a reunion for the, it was yesterday wasn't it? Yeah. So he turned up to that as well. Um, you know, just, just awesome. The other thing I want to touch on, uh, before we get onto the NRL grand final, cause that was just as good. And that is, you watch the players turn up now after they win.

[00:22:36] Wayne: And back in the day you turn up and you're just hung over, you can't string a sentence together, you look, you look like you're, you know, you look like you're death warmed up. You know, the players these days, not all of them, but most of them, they turn up and they soak it in. I don't expect anything else from Pendles, but he said he got up, he got home early and wanted to wake up and have a coffee and just, [00:23:00] you know, soak it all in.

[00:23:01] Wayne: And you see a few others, and I saw Jeremy Howe get interviewed, he looked as fresh as a daisy and didn't have as big a night because he wants to soak it all up. And I was sitting there and I sort of flicked the switch back. So what you did on your grand, what, what, what did you do on your, 

[00:23:15] Ayrton: on your premiership nights?

[00:23:17] Ayrton: Were they, were they, were they the same if you'd lost or won a grand final 

[00:23:21] Wayne: or you went? Yeah, nah, they were hard. Well, you're drowning or you're celebrating. You're drowning your sorrows in 98 celebrating. So where 

[00:23:27] would 

[00:23:27] Ayrton: you go? Would you go back to the club? Would you go, you had an official function, maybe a crown or 

[00:23:32] Wayne: something?

[00:23:32] Wayne: I think it was, uh, 96. Six, we were sponsored by Santa Fe gold or the pub underneath it and strip joint above it. So we had the perfect, uh, sponsor. So we, we went straight back there, um, and stayed there for three days, just in the pub downstairs, of course. Yeah. Uh, so I can imagine. Yeah. So it was, um. Yeah, very different.

[00:23:58] Wayne: But, and, and yes, you [00:24:00] remember the celebration, but I just wish I'd um, taken it a little bit easier. Fair enough. Just to soak, soak it in and. Um, then obviously you go back to Arden Street like, you know, they did and you see all the supporters which what, which, what makes it so special. 

[00:24:15] Ayrton: You mentioned those players and how they were, they have been a very open footy club and Craig McRae's been part of that.

[00:24:21] Ayrton: I, when we're talking about coaches, got thinking about another one in Nathan Buckley who we spoke about before when comparing to Pendles. I heard Bucks speak today about, um, how he was quite emotional during the game but I wonder if he was also... If there's maybe a few conflicted thoughts in his mind as well, if he'd admit to himself in his quieter moments about, you know, he's been in this footy club involved for so long and hasn't had that same success that he would have craved so much.

[00:24:48] Wayne: I've heard him speak about it. There's, well, you know, I, for me, I can only speak on my behalf. I don't know how Nathan Buckley thinks. I'd be surprised if Bucks doesn't have some envy [00:25:00] in regards to what Collingwood... You know, haven't won, didn't win one as a player and, and, and obviously came so close to winning one, you know, as a coach and, and now McRae's 1 1, which is another, you know, in a close game.

[00:25:13] Wayne: Uh, there would have to be a little bit of envy, um, uh, well, but once again, I, I don't know, I know I certainly would, would have a little bit of that. Um, he's, he's a pretty proud, uh, guy and, uh, there would have to be a lot of emotion. He, he had control of this team two years ago. Yeah, 

[00:25:29] Ayrton: that's amazing, isn't it?

[00:25:30] Ayrton: Yeah, it was not that long ago. Two years ago. Yeah, so maybe he would think he's played a role in the development of a lot of the guys. Yeah, and that, 

[00:25:37] Wayne: and, and, and he probably should feel, um, like he has because he has. And he's also, remember, got a few of those players in. He was one of the ones that. Took Darcy Moore from forward to back, I assume.

[00:25:49] Wayne: Um, you know, he was not doing so well as a forward. And, you know, that was another touching moment. So Bucks has played a role in developing a few of these. I think Bucks played a role in [00:26:00] Jeremy Howe going from, uh, forward from Melbourne to being a defender. Yep. So think about all of those key decisions that have, you know, helped make up this premiership.

[00:26:08] Wayne: So, yeah, I, he would have to have, uh, you know, some proud feelings as well with what he's been able to help with. Um, were you, were you all soppy like some people with Darcy Moore and his dad, Peter? You're not a soppy, you're not a soppy. You're not a rom com man, are you? 

[00:26:26] Ayrton: I'm still a bit, um, I've got great respect for both Darcy and Peter Moore.

[00:26:30] Ayrton: I'm still a bit burnt from, he gave me one almighty spray one year, Peter Moore. Did he? He went on SEN one day and said a few things about the, I don't know if I've said this before or if I should be saying it or not. Oh 

[00:26:41] Wayne: yeah, go on then. Just call the truth out. 

[00:26:43] Ayrton: He, uh... He went on and said a few things about the game plan.

[00:26:48] Ayrton: It was when Darcy was playing forward. It was when, you know, Tony Shaw was calling them the Collingwood Crabs and they were going backwards and sideways. He said, you know, it's really hard to be a forward in this team and I sort of... The way I reported it was that he, you [00:27:00] know, said it was tough. I basically just reported what he said.

[00:27:03] Ayrton: And some, he got the information second hand. He, uh, I tried to call him during the day and said, would you be willing to come on camera so we can, and he goes, no, I'm not really keen. But the next day someone had told him how I'd report it and he called me and, and just tore shreds off me for the way I, you said I was questioning bucks and this and that.

[00:27:19] Ayrton: And I said, did you watch the story, Peter? He said, no, I got told. And I said, well, maybe, maybe. Watch the story. But. So since then, I've just, 

[00:27:26] Wayne: if Peter Moore's around, I'll just shrink, I'll just 

[00:27:28] Ayrton: shrink into the, because he's quite an imposing man himself. Um, Peter Moore as well. Yeah. So, no, I was happy for them.

[00:27:33] Ayrton: I mean, it was not when you could see the pride in his eyes seeing Darcy there, couldn't he? So, oh, what the, 

[00:27:38] Wayne: the moment that I, where Darcy throws down the medal, I, is that because he saw teammates coming and he, I'm not, why? 

[00:27:47] Ayrton: I'm not sure. I, I think he was looking at his dad and then he got swamped by his mates and then he got No, but he threw down 

[00:27:51] Wayne: the metal before that.

[00:27:52] Wayne: Oh, I didn't 

[00:27:53] Ayrton: see that. So, I was probably having a bit, I was probably having a drink at that stage. A little 

[00:27:56] Wayne: bit more of, yeah, I don't know why it wasn't around his neck, but So, yeah, so you [00:28:00] weren't overly touched. And then, and then what about, what about, uh, you know, the handing out of the medals and the, and, you know, the, the, Oh, 

[00:28:08] Ayrton: you've got to shake, you've got to make sure that's a crucial moment.

[00:28:11] Ayrton: Yeah, 

[00:28:11] Wayne: but, yeah, give, why make a big story of that? And, and, no, I know, then, no big story. No, once again, who, who wrote that crap? 

[00:28:20] Ayrton: Oh, it'd be staff writers. No one would put their No, but 

[00:28:24] Wayne: you do have, the little kid, that is, that little kid though. Yeah, I know. You know, you're caught up. You've just won a grand final.

[00:28:29] Wayne: Not everyone's going to get it, you know, not everyone's going to get it right. And I get that. I get that there was a little, a little tacker there ready to get, you know, handshake and, you know, some players are really understanding. They're in the moment and the other player, I don't, I don't know who, know who the player was.

[00:28:45] Wayne: Bob 

[00:28:45] Ayrton: McCreery, I think, was one. Was it? Yeah. 

[00:28:47] Wayne: Oh, well, you know, just, come 

[00:28:49] Ayrton: on. So in, in 2020, in 2030, when North Melbourne wins the flag and Carter's, you know, how old will he be then, 12, 13 or 

[00:28:58] Wayne: something? You know [00:29:00] what, if, if the little, I'm sure they'll reach out and, and do something, but it's just, let's, let's, you know, cool our jets a little bit and, and understand that, you know.

[00:29:11] Wayne: Did they have little 

[00:29:11] Ayrton: kids on the dice when you won the flags or not? 

[00:29:14] Wayne: I can't even remember. Can't, couldn't, I couldn't tell you, I assume. So you may, 

[00:29:19] Ayrton: you probably, there probably was, you didn't 

[00:29:21] Wayne: shave their heads. No, I don't think, no I don't think they did. No they didn't, because I'd remember. 

[00:29:25] Ayrton: Some little kids held a grudge against you.

[00:29:27] Ayrton: They might have been 99, they 

[00:29:28] Wayne: didn't in, I know they, I'm pretty certain they didn't in 96. 

[00:29:33] Ayrton: So NRL Grand Final was last night, uh, and we spoke about earlier, an amazing, when you put the two games together, like, I'm sure our listeners or our viewers would have a view on this, can you, can you pull out a better double act than, than what we've had in the past 24 

[00:29:48] Wayne: hours?

[00:29:48] Wayne: No. What, what about, uh, wouldn't Brisbane be flat at the minute? Like, you know, what, what a performance by this young Brisbane team against an [00:30:00] almighty outfit in Penrith. It was an incredible grand final and a bit like you yesterday, you know, you've, you've had the big week. Uh, it got to about lunchtime, the sun's out, the birds are chirping and I thought, oh, I think I could probably pop down somewhere.

[00:30:15] Wayne: you know, have a bit of a look and, uh, and did and was, and just, yeah, it was incredible grand final to think that, and, and for those who have a little bit of a flutter and gamble responsibly, um, but you know, you, you have a little multi and I, I went breeze, I went the underdog, I went Brisbane again. So the two under zero from two for the weekend.

[00:30:38] Wayne: Brisbane by, and they had to win by less. 10. You couldn't win by more than 10, sorry. So all of a sudden, we're in the second half, and they're 14 or 16, and I'm going, OK, Penrith, you just get a try now. And then, uh, and then we get Reecey Walsh to score another try, [00:31:00] right? And then, and then Penrith, I'm happy for them to score another, to make it a great grand final, but I get my, cause I needed him to score a try.

[00:31:08] Wayne: That's why I needed one more. You get it? Yes. Yep. I understand. So, and then, and then within the blink of an eye, they're, you know, they're a couple down and, um, you know, they're, they're, they're skipper. 

[00:31:20] Ayrton: Yeah, so Nathan Cleary, who's still only, I believe, 25 years old and already, you know, talking about being, you know, alongside Andrew Johns in that sort of status, so.

[00:31:29] Wayne: Well, he wrote himself, Andrew Johns said he believes now he sits comfortably in that, in the immortal, um, conversation. So at 25, that's... Yeah, incredible. And coming from Andrew Johns as well. That's pretty big praise. Well, he's 

[00:31:43] Ayrton: got, you know, three Pete for Penrith and some origins that they were just speaking about that.

[00:31:48] Ayrton: And I know it's not all about the betting, but I love the little betting side stories. And when you talk about, uh, Last night in the N R L and I said last week I had the, you know, the Yep. The a hundred to one on PRAs. So I was going pretty hard [00:32:00] for pen in the last few minutes. So I apparently after, so you got 

[00:32:02] Wayne: that?

[00:32:03] Wayne: Yeah. You ended up winning that bet. Yeah. So 

[00:32:04] Ayrton: $10, a hundred to one. So 

[00:32:05] Wayne: you've rigged the raffle. Yeah. . And you've won that bet. You've got a thousand bucks. So you loaded, so, so you're loaded. 

[00:32:10] Ayrton: No, I wouldn't say I'm loaded. I'm just paying off the debts that I've been accruing. Uh, so Better, better. The betting company apparently had to pay out 72 million for a Penrith win, so I'd say they'd be hurting a little bit.

[00:32:22] Ayrton: today. They've said it's going to take them a week to pay out the, to pay out the bets. So don't know where they're getting the money from, but just on the, the Clive Churchill, which is the NRL equivalent to the Norm Smith. So, uh, Nathan Cleary pregame was a 3. 50 favorite. Um, he'd won last year. Ezra Mann from Brisbane, 26 to 1, scored a hat trick.

[00:32:43] Ayrton: Three tries. He had it in the bag. And amazing tries too. Had it in the bag and they're winning by... So he, he was 1. 04 after he got his, in live betting after this. So this is from Nick Quinn, who's a great betting man, uh, posted this on Twitter. He was 1. 04 after his third try in live betting and clearly was out to 51 with 20 [00:33:00] minutes left.

[00:33:00] Ayrton: And then he just turned on the most amazing 20 minutes of... Uh, of, of rugby league. It is one 

[00:33:06] Wayne: of the, and, and once again, which is what's great about, um, I think grand fo like Norm Smith medals, and Clive Churchill medals, is that, and that is that it comes down to the guy that actually grabs the game by the scruff of the neck and wins it.

[00:33:21] Wayne: Yeah. And not the guy, cause I, I'd argue that, you know, that maybe you, you don't get the three vote, or however they vote, in their Brownlow equivalent, I know they have a very different system, but that might be very different. Yeah. Yep. Would you agree? Yep. But a great grand final. I love, I love my rugby league and was just blown away.

[00:33:40] Wayne: Felt very sad for Brisbane. Um, again, um, I love that young Reece Walsh. Wow. He's got some wheels. And he's got, uh, some wheels. 

[00:33:50] Ayrton: Yeah. Similar, similar athleticism to himself. 

[00:33:54] Wayne: Anyone beat, and a good looking rooster too. He's got it all. He's got 

[00:33:58] Ayrton: a young family actually, Reece. Has he? [00:34:00] Yeah. I think he's got a, I think he's got a kid, doesn't he?

[00:34:03] Ayrton: I think so, I might 

[00:34:04] Wayne: be wrong. Yeah, well that's nothing wrong with that, but I, I, jeez. The young fella on the circuit. 

[00:34:11] Ayrton: That's what I'm saying, I think he might have settled down a bit earlier than some others in this room anyway. Um, 

[00:34:16] Wayne: well you had to. Well, 

[00:34:19] Ayrton: let's be honest, you were never... I was going downhill.

[00:34:21] Ayrton: You never had a great 

[00:34:23] Wayne: deal of options. 

[00:34:26] Ayrton: My mates do say I peaked at about 19, I think. I think that's when the hair started going 

[00:34:31] Wayne: and... Nah, but if you're young Reece Walsh, you wanna... Yeah. Anyway, I hope not. I hope he's happy. That's the main thing. But it's, uh... Yeah, I... Both coach should be unbelievably happy with, you know...

[00:34:44] Wayne: How they, uh, how they turned it on. And both losers should be incredibly proud about their season. No losers when you lose by those margins in both codes. And I know there is. But, you know, you, like I said, it's, they should be very, very proud. [00:35:00] Although it makes it even more heartbreaking knowing that you got so close.

[00:35:03] Ayrton: Absolutely. We, uh, we look around the world of sport as well. The Ryder Cup, of course, in golf with Europe against the U. S. It tends to have a bit more feeling than the President's Cup, which is the internationals against the U. S. There was a moment that, that I found really interesting. It kind of reminded me about how I go about my golf.

[00:35:20] Ayrton: So I'm a very bad golfer, but I love sledging. I love 

[00:35:23] Wayne: sledging. Golfing should be allowed. You should allow sledging in golf. Well, if a guy's lining up for a drive, In his back seat, Should be able to go, Or, or do like, That's what I do, With my mates. So the 

[00:35:38] Ayrton: context for this is, Uh, so Rory McIlroy is on 18, Uh, it wasn't in the final round, it was earlier in the, in the tournament on the Saturday, maybe.

[00:35:47] Ayrton: Uh, and it was the, the caddy for Patrick Cantlie has, it was sort of in Rory's eyeline a little bit and Rory said, you know, get the hell out of the way. And old mates started waving his cap around and gone back at Rory and started [00:36:00] sledging him before he's moved off. It's made this big controversy because golf, you know, normally there's this amazing etiquette that you just don't affect the play.

[00:36:06] Ayrton: It was 

[00:36:07] Wayne: amazing. It should be happy Gilmore. No, how good would golf be if you could actually, and, and the amount of people that you'd get to the, well, more people you'd get there, and it might take the gentleman side out a bit, it would attract a bigger audience. And why is golf and tennis, by the way, the only two sports that you've got to be shhh while they play, and yet, you know, footy, you're lining up for goal, you know, you've got 100, 000 people booing.

[00:36:34] Wayne: while you're lining up for goal. Yet, you've got to hear a pin drop for tennis players when they're serving. Tennis 

[00:36:40] Ayrton: is ridiculous. Tennis you should be able to cheer. Golf I can kind of understand. Why? Because it's, it's, it's just a bit different in that sort of folk, you 

[00:36:49] Wayne: think just should let, let the supporters, as they say, they pay their money.

[00:36:57] Ayrton: I did laugh when I saw, uh, Lowry, is it Shane [00:37:00] Lowry? Anyway, Lowry, who was playing 

[00:37:01] Wayne: for Europe, uh... The only Lowry, the only Lowry I remember is... No, it's one of those movies. Where are you going? Anyway. I don't know your 

[00:37:11] Ayrton: pop culture references. 

[00:37:12] Wayne: He's a smooth, he's a smooth character in a movie. 

[00:37:14] Ayrton: Okay. Well anyway, he was...

[00:37:16] Ayrton: Mike, Mike Lowry. One of the, 

[00:37:19] Wayne: one of the officials... People will let us know who 

[00:37:21] Ayrton: Mike Lowry is. One of the officials was telling the, uh, the crowd, you know, quiet please everyone while he's in. Oh mate, Larry says, mate, you're making more bloody noise than they are. Told him to shut up, walked away. So anyway, a bit going on the Ryder Cup.

[00:37:36] Ayrton: Uh, got some listener, uh, viewer slash viewer questions. Um. We're 

[00:37:42] Wayne: very grand final focus today, obviously, because, uh, it's just a mad, magnificent week. Yeah. Didn't come out right either. 

[00:37:51] Ayrton: Magnificent. So, there's a few around there, tips for the grand final. I'm just going to acknowledge a few, uh, people here.

[00:37:57] Ayrton: But the first one, uh, is from [00:38:00] Joe. In my opinion, the Lions forward line needs to peel out burn rubber and tear ass. If Danaher and Cameron can get three majors apiece against the formidable and unpredictable Magpies defence, they could win the grand final. Lachie Neal needs at least two dozen disposals.

[00:38:15] Ayrton: Well, they were 

[00:38:16] Wayne: three, three and two, so they 

[00:38:18] Ayrton: got one more. Well, I think they got three and three. They did get three and three. It was a three and three in the end. Yeah, it didn't quite happen because Joe kicked that last one in the, in the last minute. Uh, from Tony, I think Brisbane can win this one. They haven't lost to Collingwood since 2019.

[00:38:31] Ayrton: I know their record at the G's isn't good, but we're talking a grand final. And if Cameron Danaher can hit wood, can fire, Collingwood will be in trouble. They need to cover both the Gowie and the Dacos boys. What did you think about the Dacos boys in their... Oh, 

[00:38:44] Wayne: well, they were both unbelievably solid. The handball, you know, Nick Dacos and the, and the class that he showed, the one that back inside that, you know, so he, he had two big moments, Nick Dacos in that last quarter and they both turned [00:39:00] into goals.

[00:39:00] Wayne: The little, the quick handball over to Goey and then the walk back into the corridor. So he was huge. He had a great game. 

[00:39:09] Ayrton: That's 666, uh, infringement. It's been spoken about. I think, uh, it was in the last quarter that I spoke to Mason Cox. Do you think it was a set play? And in those moments, do you, I mean, you didn't have 666 when you were playing, but do you have certain setups for certain moments where you want to hit the footy?

[00:39:25] Wayne: You would like, you would like a perfect opportunity. Clearly, if the ball's... Uh, bounced and it goes off on a little bit of an angle, then you've, whatever plan you've made, you have to, the Ruckman has to change on the go. Yep. So there are. So 

[00:39:39] Ayrton: they throw it up. You know 

[00:39:40] Wayne: exactly what. If they throw it up, you pretty much know what you do within, you know, a small space.

[00:39:46] Wayne: So yeah, you're right. I don't know whether they did it deliberately or not, but it would make sense if they wanted a perfect play. 

[00:39:53] Ayrton: Just the final one on the, on the tips going into the grand final. This one's from Nick and it's my favorite. Duck has picked Brisbane! [00:40:00] Awesome! Guaranteed Collingwood flag. 

[00:40:05] Wayne: And I did say that all week when I was tipping Brisbane.

[00:40:08] Wayne: I said that Collingwood supporters should be actually cheering that I tipped against them again. Because every time I do, they win. 

[00:40:17] Ayrton: This is from Brad. Hi boys, fantastic pod. Should all final series be played at the G? More seats for fans, bigger sales figures. All get to play at the G. on grand final day, should they be doing it earlier?

[00:40:27] Ayrton: Well, some 

[00:40:27] Wayne: are saying that, you know, it's, it's too much an advantage for, that the game is played at the G every year, given Collingwood play there just about every week and Brisbane have played how many games there. So, you know, there's an argument, our, our competition is not fair in a lot of ways. We, you know, we spoke about, you know, you know, we took, we haven't really spoken a lot about priority picks for North Melbourne and, I've got a question on that shortly, so we'll get into that.

[00:40:53] Wayne: So even the draw is not fair. So just so many variables, so much grey, [00:41:00] um, playing at the MCG every year is another one of those variables that unfortunately will never change unless we have a disease come in and we have to get out of, you know, Victoria again. By the way, that was a good result too.

[00:41:16] Wayne: Getting out of Victoria? No. What? The Premier stepping 

[00:41:18] Ayrton: down. I didn't speak about that. Oh, you, you, you happy? Were you on the, were you on the front steps of Parliament drinking those 4X cans? I wasn't, but I was happy about it. It doesn't, it doesn't really bother me either way, but I know 

[00:41:32] Wayne: a lot of people were fairly happy, but only because, only because I got locked up.

[00:41:37] Ayrton: Yeah, so I didn't, so I don't have those same feelings of Oh, that's right, you were, you were up in 

[00:41:42] Wayne: I got away, so it was a good thing for me Yeah, so, no, I, I think like a lot of people, yeah, by the way, all in shock about it, but incredibly happy Yeah, I think we can all move on now. 

[00:41:55] Ayrton: Yeah, and maybe there's that certain mental, I mean, I know it was a very difficult time for a lot of people [00:42:00] for, for very different reasons during 

[00:42:01] Wayne: COVID.

[00:42:02] Wayne: People's, people's lives have been changed forever 

[00:42:05] Ayrton: because of decisions. Definitely a moment in time. Uh, key forwards. 

[00:42:09] Wayne: More than a moment. I got locked up more than any other place in the whole 

[00:42:12] Ayrton: world. Well, I know that when I say a moment in your whole life, it's only a few months, but I know you're a very social, uh, butterfly.

[00:42:19] Ayrton: So you like to be out and about. Just on Collingwood's Ford line, because you'd been quite. Pretty cool, and we touched on Brodie Mijacek earlier. This is from Ben Cook. The Eagles won two flags with Carl Langdon. Geeze, he's a bit of a sledge with Carl. Wouldn't really compare. Oh boy. Carl, good man actually, Carl Langdon.

[00:42:36] Ayrton: Um, I've often done a bit with him over in our team in Perth. Carl 

[00:42:40] Wayne: was a, Carl was a bit bigger than Brodie Mijacek. Well, 

[00:42:44] Ayrton: that, that's a great segue into the next question. It's, Hi Etan, could you ask Duck how, this is from NAB, could you ask Duck how he feels about being the same height as Majercek? Is he the same height as me?

[00:42:56] Ayrton: So, I just wanna, like, just wanna check this. So, what, what are you, [00:43:00] what are you? 

[00:43:00] Wayne: 194, well hang on, with heels or no heels? 

[00:43:03] Ayrton: No heels, what are you? Oh no, he might actually be taller than you. You're 194 you reckon? Yep. 193 for my check on his official profile. Oh, so pretty 

[00:43:13] Wayne: much the same height. Yep. Okay, well, there you go.

[00:43:16] Wayne: You can play shorter.

[00:43:21] Ayrton: Big congratulations too. I've got a photo of, um, no, his brother Tyson. He had a good night out on a Saturday night, so shout out to Tyson. Uh, Jack Ginniven, love the show. This is from John. I must be the only one, but how does he get a game? How's he on a list? Has never dominated a game. Well, I don't know if he's never dominated a game, but what did you think of Jack?

[00:43:41] Ayrton: What I think? 

[00:43:43] Wayne: Oh, did what he always does. I think, you know, didn't have a, didn't have a massive game, but. By the sounds of things, he's back the winner at Moonee Valley than I before. 

[00:43:52] Ayrton: I saw him tweet Swanee before, just before I walked in too. He said, I'll see you later. I was thinking if I was a Collywood official, I'd be a bit nervous about that [00:44:00] too.

[00:44:00] Wayne: Nah, nah, he'll be right. 

[00:44:02] Ayrton: You caught up with Swanee on Friday, did you? Did you have a function with Swanee at one stage? Uh, 

[00:44:06] Wayne: I see Swanee around a little bit. Oh yeah? You had a Swanee, have you? The duck and the swan, just, uh. What a dynamic duo. Floating a couple of puddles. 

[00:44:17] Ayrton: Uh, you touched on grand final medals.

[00:44:19] Ayrton: This is from, uh, T. Kinvey. I like Duck's concept of a number of games get you a medal if team wins. Our schoolboy first 18 jumper was not allowed to be kept unless you played five games. Seconds jumper was different to first, but St. Pat's Ballarat first 18 was a pretty good earn at that level. So that's interesting.

[00:44:37] Ayrton: Yeah. Yep. Great with that. And this is from Tigers456, what about the players who get a season ending injury early in the year? Do they deserve a medal? 

[00:44:46] Wayne: Um, that, and that's why I put a cap on it. You know, I think you've got to play a certain amount of games. Like you can't just play one or two or three. I think if you, if you said you contributed say 10 games, then I think that's a, [00:45:00] that's a healthy amount.

[00:45:01] Wayne: That's just under half a year that you've contributed to the team to help them get to where they got 

[00:45:06] Ayrton: to. And finally, this is from Benny. Duck, what did you make of the assistance package given to North and all the whinging from Lion and Scott? So Ross Lion and, uh, Chris Scott during the week were, they sort of said it was, you know, compromising the competition and...

[00:45:22] Ayrton: Well, well 

[00:45:22] Wayne: read on, I, I saw their, their complaints and then heard Gil... Um, come out and, and talk about their complaints, and then, you know, you've, Clarko's sort of chimed in with, you know, picks and everything else, and. So 

[00:45:36] Ayrton: first round selection this year and two next year. At the end of 

[00:45:38] Wayne: the day. End of first round.

[00:45:39] Wayne: Let's get one thing clear. And we've seen this, and history has shown us this. It doesn't matter what picks you get. The picks, you can give people picks all day long. We've seen, you know, obviously two new teams, obviously GWS have got it really right, Gold Coast probably not so right in their picks, right?

[00:45:59] Wayne: And then you've got [00:46:00] Melbourne went through a period. Carlton have had more picks than a second hand pick truck. That's one of your worst. That's horrific. I don't know. So, so... You've got to make the most of them. Now North got them very right last year, I believe. Sheasland 

[00:46:20] Ayrton: Wardour. Yeah. 

[00:46:21] Wayne: Yep. And, you know, and others the way they've, you know, uh, brought others in from other clubs as well.

[00:46:27] Wayne: I think they've got, they've, they had a good year last year. They need another good year. And probably another good year. And then, then you'll see, um, the benefit of that. But, you know, you give, people have butchered picks for a long time. So, you know, that's, that's the key. It's not how many picks you get, it's making the most of them.

[00:46:48] Ayrton: My concern for North, My concern for North, and you know I'm getting into them a little bit, but I enjoy it because you're here. I'm, I mean this seriously, I'm worried they can still get worse before they get [00:47:00] better, for a few reasons. No Ben McKay, key defensive post. Oh yeah, and he's 

[00:47:05] Wayne: been, he's been solid as a rock, hasn't he?

[00:47:07] Wayne: Well, who, who replaces him in Yankee? Yeah, who's he been? Well, I'll tell you what, you could have a, I reckon you could put a bloody scarecrow there and do as well as he did for 

[00:47:14] Ayrton: half the team. Griffin Logue is injured. He's another key back. He's injured? Wasn't he out for a while? Hasn't he got a serious head start?

[00:47:21] Ayrton: Hasn't he done an ACL at the year? Didn't he do an ACL at the season? Nah, he's... He's going to miss games? Jeez, I hope 

[00:47:27] Wayne: I haven't just brought that up out of 

[00:47:28] Ayrton: nowhere. I don't know, I don't know whether he's an 

[00:47:31] Wayne: ACL, but anyway. Uh, 

[00:47:35] Ayrton: I'm... Todd Goldstein will be... He's 108. Yep. But he, but he, you still played your best footy when he was rucking.

[00:47:43] Ayrton: I'm just Googling Griffin 

[00:47:43] Wayne: Loki. You've got to 

[00:47:45] Ayrton: move on. Yes, you do. But on what I'm saying is the guys that are replacing him. Yeah, obviously Cunnington. And you've moved Cunnington and 

[00:47:50] Wayne: Zeebel on as well. Do you think both Cunnington and Zeeble should have played on for another year for the sake of... No, I'm not saying...

[00:47:56] Ayrton: No, you're misinterpreting what I'm saying. 

[00:47:58] Wayne: I don't think Zeeble... I don't think [00:48:00] Zee... Obviously, Ben, you know, going through what he went through and then not playing at the end. No, so what I'm saying is Ben hardly played this year, so let's... You know, his influence has been profound, as has Zeebles, but Zeebles best footie, um, was part of, can you believe, Jack Zeeble finished, uh, quite high up in North's BNF.

[00:48:18] Wayne: So that's the whole, that's my point, mate. Well, it also shows you how weak the BNF was. Yeah, 

[00:48:23] Ayrton: exactly. So you're losing this senior talent when, uh, and just so, just while we're here. Uh, Griffin Logue did rupture his ACL, so, 

[00:48:32] Wayne: um, good to see you. 

[00:48:35] Ayrton: Alright, they need a defender. They need about three defenders. Uh, very good.

[00:48:37] Ayrton: Duck, it's been great to speak with you, uh, again today. I know you've got a big interview coming up that you're going to mentally prepare yourself for. Um, huge grand final week, relieved it's over, but I'll see you again soon. We are going to keep, we are 

[00:48:49] Wayne: going to keep going. Yes, we're going to, we're going to keep going.

[00:48:51] Wayne: Don't worry about that, we're going to punch through. Big meeting tomorrow. Oh, really? Come on, big 

[00:48:55] Ayrton: guest. Oh, righto. The True Thirts, we'll see you again soon.

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